Places that speak with us

I was seeing Lost, the first series when i heard John Locke tell:"This island said to me..."My though gone after those places that have spoken with me or to me in my life.There's a river near my grandparent's house in a small village in the North east of Italy.In my childhood i went there with friends, we made dams, enclosed tadpoles in empty jam jares, waiting that they become frogs, we made a lot of disgusting games with argilla but ever ...when my friends went home i stayed there.In those moments the river speak with meand if i was sad or frightened or worried about something, the river gaves me my answers.I just hadto hear what he said.When i was child i thought that it's true, really the river speaks with me...Growing up i understand that the river gives me the possibility to speaking with me, me and me in my soul.That river now knows all my life, my loves, my desperations, my dead, my succes.And everytime it speaks to me and everytime says to me the same thing:Your time is the only thing that really belong to you, except me.It's a posses river....And you? Do you have a place that speak with/to you?
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  • Hi Veronica,I'm again.I read the blog and I found it very interesting.I do not have place like this unfortunately:( But may be ... Your English is very good I think so Bye C
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