Did you read or watch the News yesterday?

One single painting, painted from Pablo Picasso was sold for 45 million dollars. What should we think about that fact?
I will tell you my opinion:
I don't know who has paid this horrendous sum. It's not the first and also not the most expensive painting what ever had been sold.
I love art but I get very angry when I read such headlines. And much more when private persons had paid so much money for a painting only to own it. No one of them can hang it on a wall of their buildings. It's only parked in a safe and I even don't want to know the high ammount of money what they pay for the insurance.

And what makes me angry about this fact?
Well, one the one hand there are rich people which don't know what they should do with their enormus wealth. On the other hand we see every day in the News, there are people which don't have the simplest basics of life as there are: clean and pure water, every day a meal, a roof over their head, education for children, simplest medical care... just to enumerate a few needs. Kids have to walk for hours to take water from rivers or ponds ... what ever ... mostly is that water not clean.
Women which can not breast-feed their babies because they don't have milk, because they themselves are malnourished. People with thick bellies ... but not because they have eaten too much ... they starve.

Wealth isn't fair distributed in this world. A minority owns more money than the whole rest of people around the world.
I could enumerate so many examples how very wealthy people waste their money.
Pets which have a house what is more expensive than houses of normal people,
jewelery for their cats and dogs with real diamonts, hotels for pets, menues cooked by a chef, Water imported from abroad, manicure, pedicure and hairdresser and even expensive clothes. And all of that for their pets. Of course, there are many other things they I can't stand ... but it would take a little eternity to enumerate everything.

I always wonder how these people can reconcile with their own conscience ... or do they have none?

We are human beings and should honor the origin of our name.

What do you think?????????????????

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Rose Iris

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  • Hello Peony, thanks for your comment and your opinion.

    Of course, everyone can do with his money what he want. But in my opinion everything should have his limits. I am aware, there are rich people which donate money, time, many different things ... and that helps others. Nevertheless also people with normal income donate and help.

    Unfortunately are you also right when you say there will exist rich and poor people until eternity.
    But I think also, very rich people have a special responsibility. The most of them haven't got their wealth through their own hands work. I don't say they don't work at all ... I just want to mention, the most of them became rich because others works for them  or they have enherited. I don't speak about people which have a high salary .... I mean really rich, people they have millions and billions.
    NOBODY becomes so wealthy or rich alone by his OWN hands.

    I agree with you, we should start with with ourselves, everyone can do something.
    I don't want to speak too much about myself. Only so much I want to say. My husband and I, we support kids and social projects in different countries ... already for many years. We are not rich, just people with normal income.

    You know? People with average income and even poor people help others ... often even under own limitations. That happens more often than we know.... because they don't speak about, they just do it.  

  • Thanks, moonlight, for your comment and your opinion.

  • Hello rose
    From my observation,i think, when people have some wealth and power they are used to getting addicted of it and want to have more and more.it decrease their humanity.In the end,they only want to show off their wealth to other people.Thatswhy,the do different job like buying this painting.
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