I have a wonderful resource for you if you want to read books.

Before we go on, I need to make clear the ethics of downloading books, so please do try to understand the difference between copyrighted and public domain books. (There is a test question about this.)

COPYRIGHT: A copyright is the legal ownership of exclusive rights, which is given to the author or creator of an original work. It is only given if the author or artist goes through certain steps toward filing for legal copyright protection of their work. The copyright is a way to protect writers like our own Tara Benwell. It is very bad to download or copy material that is copyrighted.

PUBLIC DOMAIN: Written works or art that belong to everyone. When a book is in the public domain, it is not protected by a copyright. These are free for anyone to copy and nobody is harmed.

Let's see if you understand the difference.

Q: When is it not wrong to download a copy of a book?

A: Public domain books are the only books that are legal to download and harm no one by copying.

I am giving you a link to many thousands of books you can download and read if you want them because they are in the public domain. Remember, public domain means these are free to be copied because the writer and publisher have already had their chance to be paid for their work. The copyright for the books has expired and they now are available for anyone to copy and read.

To start out, this may be easier to use while you are getting used to the huge number of books. I suggest this LINK TO the 100 MOST POPULAR free E-books at the Gutenberg Project.
http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/scores/top Many of these are considered to be classics and the type that high school students or college students may be required to read. This selection may be easier for you to work with. They have many thousands more books besides these.

The collection below also includes the Gutenberg Project books. It is a combination of several large collections from around the world. Last night I read from some books originally written over 400 years ago. It is amazing what they have, but also can be confusing with so much to choose from.

LINK TO University of Pennsylvania Online Books Library (over 800,000) Public Domain Books - http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/

Please Remember:
Anything really new will not be free to take because of copyright protection. Please do not steal form the writers by taking copyrighted material. You can feel good about reading the classics here without hurting the writers, by taking books they should be paid for :) If you like this please tell your friends who are also trying to learn English. :))

Thanks to my friend Hong Thanh Nhan, for giving this link we can also download some legal, public domain audio books right here - http://www.booksshouldbefree.com/
It is so good to be honest and use the public domain materials, and please thank Hong Thanh Nhan for pointing out this very good link.
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  • Thank you very much,...
    it's very useful for me
  • thank you very much Bro for sharing resource but i think the most good resource is google.com , it's quite fast to find out what we want
  • Hi Bob
    Thank you very much
  • Thanks Bob! for sharing wonderful resource
  • Thank you very much. Its really great. I like books!
  • That may take a long time to read them all Achan. I am glad to help you find a good group of them to chhose from. :)
  • Awesome..I'll try to pick them all, Bob
  • That's incredible.. Really nice work.. Thanks a lot.. Hope to share these kinda beneficial studies.. God bless you, take care...
  • Naser and Monika,

    I think that any time you can, it is best to read along in the book while you hear it spoken in the audio book. Especially if you can try to keep your eyes and brain a little bit ahead of the person speaking. That also will improve your speed.

    The audio books in the link are all in the public domain and free to copy.
    I am sure that you can find the text of these same books in the database for E-books.

    If I were a student of English, I would either print it out, or follow along with the text on the computer while playing the audio book.
    That way you can see the written words and punctuation as they are spoken. Seeing the written text also helps you understand how the punctuation will affect how a sentence is spoken.

    Try that and see if it is better that way :)
  • Thank you so much, they are very wonderful for listening English, Thank Bob and Hong Thanh Nhan
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