Open-Eyes Dreams

We all have some dreams when we sleep.

But have you ever thought that we can have these dreams when we are awake too?

Imagine that these events which you see, when you are awake, are just like those dreams.

Then how would you describe them for others?


For example, let me describe mine.


I saw these things:

1-I opened EC to add a blog.

2-The words were arranged one after another.

3-EC chat room was in the corner.

4-I wrote "Hello" and sent it.

5-It didn't work again…

6-Desire and disappointment




7-Clicking on "Publish Post" button.


Blog always works)


That's it.



Now it is your turn.

Just now!!


Exactly just now!

What is your "Open-Eyes Dream"?

Please tell us about it.


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  • Anele dear!!

    I've published it!

    This blog is exactly the blog that I've posted in that time!

    "Open-Eyes Dream" doesn't mean creating a dream in mind, it means what we see and focus on it.

    For example imagine that we are sitting in a restaurant and waiter brings a fish in a plate for us.

    Then if I ask you what are you seeing around and you answer "fish in his big eyes in the plate, watch hanging on the wall, ..."  it can mean that you are waiting for something. In fact most of the attention in this kind of dreams is about its interpretation.

    Our mind pays more attention to something which is important for it.

    Please practice it when you are going to the home today (I mean in the street)!

    It's really amazing!

    I liked to be near you to translate your Open-Eyes Dreams :)

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