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  • @Narendra: That's a very good question. Why didn't anyone say/do anything about all those NATO countries (it was not only Russia/China; it was USA, UK, France, Italy etc) that were selling military equipment (guns, tanks, aircraft) and ammunition to the Libyan government, and happy to do so?


    "The Devil finds work for idle hands."

    NATO (USA) (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was originally conceived, or at least promoted, as a defensive organization against the USSR (Russia). The Warsaw Pact, which was Russia's answer to NATO, has long since been disbanded, as has the USSR, leaving NATO with nothing to do (idle hands). But the Devil has found plenty of work for the idle hands of NATO, which is now operating far from the North Atlantic, including on the very borders of CHINA (in Afghanistan).


    Please follow the money. Then you will understand everything.

  • What's the main reason NATO attacked Libya?
  • Hello Josef, When a terrorist Muammar Gaddafi ruled Libya with an iron fist for more then four decade and brutally suppressed every movement which was against his regime and was responsible for the deaths of thousand and thousand of innocent Libyans, why didn't so-called human right activists say or do anything to protect the victims but now when NATO has been killing Gaddafi loyalists why there is so much hue and cry about it.
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