Dear all Britpop fans. Today I want to share how much this band has influenced me so I am inspired to work as an EFL teacher and an indie writer in my wattpad

This afternoon my Mum cooked me crepes and I ate it with orange jam. Before my Dad ended our discussion about politic in our country, I prepared my teaching references to be sent to a local newspaper in my city.

Who mostly supports me in this band? I would say all because these lads are genious and have different skills. Graham the third on the right has a solo projects and I love "Freakin Out", "You and I" etc.

Then there is Alex James the cheese God, has 3 kids and I had a crush on him before I got a wedding proposal from my husband now. His wive is beautiful.

Both Damon Albarn and Dave Rowntree can't be forgotten.

I don't pick them by their looks only. They won "The Universal" in MTV music award.

I think that's enough. If I could see and watch their concert I would ask for wefie and their signature/autograph/posters and biograpy. How about you ladies? Do you like Song 2, Beetle Bum or Tender? 

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  • Oh nice! I liked Blur --more than Oasis :P
    I wasn't into Brit pop that much but Blur was an exception. I wouldn't say they were 'geniuses', as you say in the blog, but they were pretty good.

    I like more their first records than the last ones (I dunno why that's very common in any band: first records are always much better). And I usually like the less 'popular' hits as well... yup, I'm weird like that :P


    Btw I also like a lot Gorillaz, the band where Damon Albarn was singing when Blur split off. 

    Nice blog. I always miss here to read more blogs talkin' about popular music or literature.
    Thanks for bringing me up memories with this band!

  • Sangat bagus Kurniati! I used to like the beetles. Their song, Don't Let Me Down brings me a lot of sad and happy moments from the past.

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