My stupid life...

Hello all,Here I'll be write about my life. My vocabluary is small, but is's don't stop me :) So, let's go...The 5th of JulyToday my girlfriend said me than we can't be together =\ It's main new at last days. Another things so much intresting. 19 days remained till I can throw off my gipsum from my left hand, which I broke in 28 June =\. After this broken, I was 3 operation, now I'm with gipsum. I'm writing this post, and I'm understand that it so much miserable, when you can't say anything, cause your English is s**t.Thanks to all,your Ronald!
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  • Dear Ronald,

    Sometimes something bad happens to us to warn us how bad they are.
    I hope everything be all right for you.

    Wishing you well,
  • Your blog title got interesting to me...
    Ronald please be more stronger for whatever trials that you encounter right now. Trust yourself and trust God is very important.. Don't give up everything will be okay!!!

    I wish you all the best always.....
  • Hello all :)
    heh, I really understand it, at this moment I'm good. You are right, life don't stop, and I must be happy) I hope it made me stronger.
    good luck and have fun!)
  • hi
    i strongly suggest that DON'T STOP even if the globe stops spinning,n DON'T USE STUPID ANYMORE TO DESCRIBE YOUR LIFE.look for adventure in your life n make it special.n about your girlfriend,it is not important although i know it is hard for you to accept this.just take it easy n keep writing blog posts.
    have a NICE time(you must create it)
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