My secret garden

My secret garden

My secret garden is a perfect world.
I created this secret garden myself.
There is water if I am thirsty.
I pick the fruits from the trees whenever I want to eat.
There is fresh air, green meadows, high mountains, colored birds who sing their tune, fish in the clean ponds, streams, rivers, and oceans.
In my secret garden are peace, justice, and freedom a matter of course.
Nobody can drive me out of this paradise because no one knows the place of my secret garden and nobody has the key for the entrance.
It's MY secret garden and there isn't anyone to disturb my peace.

Maybe you want to know where my secret garden is.

Well, there is no way of going there. This secret garden is the garden of my phantasy.

There could be a perfect life in my secret garden but it isn't.

Maybe you ask me WHY it isn't perfect.

Well, because it is just the garden of my phantasy and I am the only resident who lives there.
It would be a lonely and boring life if I had to live there, forever.
If there lived more people, the first problems would come up automatically.
And very soon, it would be the same world as outside of my garden.

So I will go there just sometimes when I am too tired of reality and need a pause.

I know this perfect world never will exist, but for me, it's good to know the way there...even if it's just a phantasy.

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Rose Iris

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  • Evangelina,

    You are right. To fall into imaginations can be an escape. Sometimes, we need it for clarifying feelings to ourselves.

    Thanks for reading and commenting.

  • Rose,

    I loved to read your this writing, yes, imagination can take us everywhere, sometimes escape can be so nice an option.

    Beautiful sharing :)

  • Hello, dear Rose!

    I missed you too. I had been to Egypt for two weeks and came home just a few days ago. Also, these days I have some work and don't have free time to come here very often. Everything is fine with me and my family. Thank you for your care. 

    I will be happy to chat with you too.

    Thank you for your wishes, dear. All the best to you too. 

  • Hi, Svitlana.

    Thanks for your comment on my humble blog.
    I missed you. I haven't seen you online for a long time. You'll be busy with your job and your family. I hope everything is going well with you and your dears.

    I am looking forward to chatting with you soon again.
    I wish you a beautiful week.

  • Rose, you are perfect as usual in your imagination and you are a great master of your lovely stories.

    Thank you for sharing them. )))

  • Hi, nida.

    This garden is just in my imagination. I go there when I need an inner break from the daily life. It is the refuge of my mind.
    As my garden is like a daydream, I should I use answer your question.

    Thanks for reading and commenting.

  • What an awesome piece of writing, Rose!

    I wish I could visit your secret've closed its doors on us. how sad is that.

    Btw, is this secret garden part of your fantasy or phantasy. Since there's a difference between these two terms, I wish to get the answer. 

  • Then enjoy,  bet.

  • I also have a nice secret garden and I like to spend some time

  • Thank you, Rose!

    Have an excellent week too!

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