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  • thank you nebia for ur help
    I really do appreciate your help on this

  • Capitalize :

    # Capitals For Everything In The Title
    # Capitals only for Nouns in the Title ('German method')
    # Capitals only for the first word in the title
    # Capitals for Longer Words in the Title (>3 Letters

    * First and last word
    * Nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives
    * Subordinating conjunctions (for example: before, after, when...)
    * Hyphenated compound words
    * First word following a colon

    Do Not Capitalize:

    * Articles (a, an, the)
    * Coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or, nor, so)
    * The word 'to' when it precedes a verb
    * Prepositions with fewer than five letters.
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