My New Writing Challenge: TO BE UP TO

My dear friends! Today I am up to no good!  Ha-ha! I am going to offer you one more writing challenge with the idiom TO BE UP TO! It is not as easy as you may think because this idiom may mean different things depending on a noun following it. Of course I am not going to keep you in the dark and will explain you a few uses of this expression.

to be up to something/tricks/mischief - to plan some unexpected action we shouldn't do.

to be up to high doh - to feel nervous, to worry.

to be up to no good - to plan something tricky, maybe offensive.

to be up to neck/ears in debt - to have huge debts, same as "to be in (the) red".

to be up to quality/standards - to match standards, to be of high quality.

to be up to date - to be modern, in fashion.

to be up to the mark - to rise to the occation, to have a good status, to stand well.

So, here is your assignment. You should write short stories using any of the given idioms or a few of them. You can write a few stories if you like. Of course, you can add some other idioms/phrasal verbs if you are sure how to use them. And, of course, we will correct you and explain your mistakes.

Good luck! And have a great weekend!

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  • Dear Tanya, This is my second one. Please correct it for me. Thank you. I appreciate it.

    Tanya's writing challenge: To be up to standards
    Rebecca is a 17 year old girl and is her disabled mum's full time carer. After high school she couldn't go to college and stayed home to look after h…
  • Dear Afro! I have already replied to your blog and here I'd like to say if it is not your cup of tea, don't try to have it. To live with pets is the same responsibility as to have kids. And only those who love pets unconditionally should be their owners (I hate this word! I always say "their parents"!). If pets are raised in love and care, they always become loving, good, intelligent and so very thankful contrary to people.

  • Dear Eva! Why did you hesitate asking about Bux's picture? He is just a small kitten and so cute! Thank you for a nice comment. I have added one more of his pictures, but it is stilll waiting for the approval


    I would like you to read this. And, I have to admit I always do some funny activities when   I see a puppy or a big one, but  I know a very sad story  of a little boy who was my relative. Though, I like to give food to the pet if incidentally they come to me and say hello (mew)! And, I respect them who take care of them. But, it is not my cup of tea, I bet.

    Seeker's june activity - It was a pet ( based on real story)
    Then I was a 5 or 6 year old girl. Little and naive! One evening   my brother and I went to my grandpa's house. There we found my middle  uncle got a…
  • Hi Tanya

    This is my attempt in accepting your writing challenge. I called it "The Hipster". 

    Tanya's Writing Challenge : To Be Up To
    The Hispter Enna is what people in her country call a ‘hipster’. She always wants to be the first person to be up to date with the pulse of modern li…
  • Dear sir, wait I will tell you tomorrow morning.
  • Dear Afro! So, you have a daughter! I am so happy for you! Both Tanya and I have no kids and I have always deamt to have my own! So, our pets fill that empty place. There are some people who have much to give and they are happy giving.

    As to kids and pets. Sure, I can't give you any advices, but I can express my mind. Many years ago I was a boy. I was a good boy, but anyway, I was always up to something.  And one day, on my 7th birthday, my parents presented me a 3 month puppy I had always wanted to have and my dad told me "Now, it is your friend and if you don't take care of her, she will die". And I can tell you, it was one of the best lessons I have ever learned. Having pets teach kids responsibility, care, love, affection and much more! If you are afraid of cats, present her a puppy!

  • No, I do not think....hahah. and though I am afraid of them but my kid wants a pet. Now I am going to show her your bux, I know she will be happy and demand again to get her one, thanks.
  • Dear Afro! I can't miss your comment about cats. In fact, cats are much smarter and better than we may think. They love people as well as dogs do, but they express their love and faithfulness differently. Each cat is a PERSONALITY and they love us not because they are destined to, like dogs, but because they feel like that. As to scratching, haha! Our pets don't scratch us at all! Even Bux knows he shouldn't scratch his parents although he is still a cub. And if they even scratch, there is no danger if a cat is heathy.

    I'd like to show you our Bux. Do you really think he can do us any harm?


  • Always welcome, dear Afro!

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