My dear friends! I know you all like posting blogs sending some positive meaningful messages. So, I propose you to train here. It is not that easy to write a good parable or a fable. First, it should be laconic but each phrase must be very meaningful. Like any story, it should have a plot, a culmination and, in this genre, some conclusion, moral and it is the main. In any fable or parable the last sentence is the most principle. Sure, you can retell the stories you know or write your own and it is clear that your own ideas are appreciated more. I can't say I know the world folklore so well to say if your story is original or not. So, I hope, you will be honest telling me if it is your idea or it is your national heritage. Anyway, you all are welcome to speak out your ideas.

As usual, there should be the word limit. It is 200 words or about it. Sure, we will correct and analyze your stories.

Good luck! I will be the first to write mine as I am ready to tell you one fable.

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  • Dear Risty! Although Dan is very busy these days, we can't leave your comment unanswered. I think you realize we both are non-religious. So, what I want to say is  following. First of all, it was the Church that initiated science birth and development. But later on, it refused from its own child as it was too curious and asked too many questions at the beginning. Many questions couldn't be answered and the child went on looking for the reasons. The child became disobedient and started contradicting its creator. So, the creator decided to burn it up on the cross. But it didn't help as the ashes fell down and gave new sprouts. At last, the creator and its child came to some agreement. They decided not to bother eath other as they both are timeless as well as their struggle.

    The moral is that we share the same human vaules, we all can tell evel from goodness, generosity from stinginess, lies from the truth. We all can feel others' intentions, either they want to hurt intentionaly or they just want to express their mind or share their life experience.

    I will conclude. It is of no matter what God we trust or if we trust at all. The main is our human values and our desire to live in peace and undersatnding on our small and fragile planet as long as it is able to stand us.

    Thank you, dear Risty!

    I'd also like to say I am so happy to read all your fables and parables here! Luci, Batuhan! Great political pamphlets! I understand you so well!

    Setareh, dear! It is such a nice touching story about true feelings.

    I like all your fabels and I will start a contest as Dan usually does to express your minds about the stories of others if you don't mind.

    I'd like to hear your opinions.

  • Dear Danny, thanks for taking time and correcting my story.

  • Dear Sir Dan! Thank you for correcting my story and for giving me a very pleasant comment, I’m used to your frank criticism that’s why I’m very happy to read good reviews from you, I know you really mean it. Anyway, being a non-religious scientist doesn’t hurt me, nor I find it disturbing to be near them…you see, you gave a very good evaluation though you’re a non-believer, it means something like an affirmation to the underlying lesson of my story. Happy here. Never ever think that our opposing principles in life will create unwanted outlook against one another, in all shapes, you’ll find different sides, for sure, like “circle”, and we can probably meet halfway and agree to one thing in life. Cheers!

    Thank you!

  • Dear Setareh! Thank you for your nice story. Although it is neither a fable nor a parable, it is very touching and makes us think about our attitude to our soul mates and other people, about loyalty, our duties and, of course, about love. Thank you once again! Always happy to see you around! Here are my corrections

    I still remember her dazzling smile and her pretty face. She was so friendly and kind. Her eyes were filled with hope and passion for life. I was looking at her with awe; how she could have such spirit despite her condition! She told me that it had happened 8 years ago when she and her husband and 2 year_ old son were going for vacation. They had a very bad accident; her husband and son got just some injuries but after a few months in thehospital she was told that she wouldn’t be able to move for the rest of her life. She told me that she had been devastated; she couldn’t believe that she wouldn’t be even able to brush her own teeth and to wash her face and would let her little boy and her husband take care of themselves.

    She decided to get divorce but her husband refused, anyway after some time she realized that she couldn’t live without them. So, she decided to go back and to start a new life hoping that one day she would hug her son and husband again. Her husband had just finished his medical school. He wanted to continue his studying in cardiology. Now, he is a cardiologist. He has supported his family with his infinite love during all these years. Although his wife is still in the same condition,__ the love that he has given to her supports her will to live every day with hope and joy. I was just spellbounded by her amazing story.

    From my childhood whenever I watched movies, wedding ceremonies were my favorite, but the most favorite part was when a bride and a groom faced each other and the priest asked each of them:” Will you take this man/ woman to be your wife/husband? Will you love her/him in health and sickness, in richness and poverty and in sadness and happiness?” And in their marriage he has proved his true love indeed and he has kept his sacred marriage vow.

  • Dear Rose! Your English is good enough. Your mistakes are not that serious. I have just made your story a little better. Cheer up! (My BIG SMILE!)

  • Dear Danny, thanks a lot for your corrections and for your friendship request, too. I am a little annoyed about myself because I've made too many light-heartedness-mistakes in my story. Perhaps should I read more carefully before I publish anything.

    You do a good job by helping us all to improve our English skills. Thanks again and I wish you a relaxing weekend.

  • Dear Risty! Thank you for a nice parable! Despite being a non-religious scientist, I like it very much and I will tell your parable to my students. I think that reading your story, any person can find some answers to his questions. In fact, it is the confirmation of what I usually say at my lectures: if something can't be explained now, it doesn't mean it is meaningless or beyond commmon sense. It means we are not ready to accept and explain it now. Thank you!

     Here is your corrected story.

    There lived one farmer who kept on questioning what the logical reason for plants’ and animals’ existence was. Ones in the afternoon while he was resting he was staring at his pumpkin that was so big but__ its stems and leaves didn’t match __ its strong character as they were weak. “Why does a strong vegetable like you have such weak stems and leaves, why were you created like that? Why don’t you have a bigger tree to fit your character?” –he murmured. Afterwards he looked at his black palm tree. The tree was big giving enough shade for him to ponder gazing at its top, noticing its fruits and saying with a wry smile, “…and you, palm tree, why do you have such a big trunk? __Look at your fruits, though there are so many of them, they are small and soft. What irony!…” he said in sleepy tone.. All of a sudden, the gusty wind approached and the black palm tree started shaking. As a result,__ some tiny stems broke and a bunch of fruits fell down right on the farmer’s head!

    The farmer, almost sleeping, got so wonder-struck and said with a very humble voice: “Thank you, Lord, for not making a pumpkin a big tree! __I could have been dead by now…” he said in his prayer to God.

    The Moral__: Don’t question the wisdom of your Creator. If you can’t understand now, it doesn’t mean it is meaningless. It means you can’t fathom His unfathomable power.

  • My friends! First, I have to excuse myself for being very busy this week. I will surely correct all your stories, but give me some time, please.

    Besides, you all know that you can ask me your questions about my corrections.

  • Dear Rose! Nice to meet you! Thank you for a nice fable! There are not so many mistakes. I have corrected them and you can always ask me about my corrections.

    There was a king who had three daughters. When they grow up, he wanted to decide which one should be his successor to the throne. So he wanted to test their love. He had only one single question and he asked his daughters to answer very honestly.
    His question was: "How much do you love me?"
    The first one, the eldest, answered: "Oh my dad, my love is worth more than all __ your gold and diamonds in your treasury." He smiled and was happy.
    The second one said: "Oh, my father, I love you more than the flowers in your garden and more than all your horses in your stables." The king smiled and caressed her cheeks tenderly.
    The third and the youngest daughter said: "My dearest dad, I love you like salt." 
    The king got very angry and didn't understand why his daughter said so. He banished her from the castle and he __commanded to exterminate every single corn of salt in his kingdom. The next day the king wanted to enjoy breakfast but all the dishes were tasteless. The bread was bland, the ham had no taste and__ it was the same when he had lunch or dinner. The days were passing and everyone was complaining of __ missing salt. Nobody in the kingdom enjoyed eating. And much more .. people became ill because salt is more than only taste. Salt contains minerals which people need for __ living. Without salt every life will die. The king realized that he had a very smart daughter. He asked her to come back and to forgive him. He was sure she would be the perfect queen of his kingdom after his death.

  • Dear Setareh! So happy to see you again! Unfortunately, I am too busy to correct so many stories at once. Please, give me some time and thank you so much!

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