My Musical Career

I love music but music doesn't love me back.

When our music lessons started at school, our teacher asked us in twos or threes to sing the songs that we knew. After listening to us he knew who had an ear for music, and I was amongst those whom he never asked to sing again. So I understood that I wouldn't make a singer. It didn't upset me much at that time. Music lessons were still great fun. Our class had seventeen boys and seventeen girls and was rather difficult to run. We used to sing in chorus mostly, with our teacher playing his bayan and walking between the rows of desks. Those students the teacher happened to look at were singing diligently but the ones his stern gaze didn't reach were howling shamelessly "Oooooooaaaaaaa". That was our way to have fun .

Then we grew older, our teacher changed. This time it was a woman who was very enthusiastic about the school choir. Most of my friends joined in, and so did I. While we were singing our first song, she came up to each of us and listened. After that she divided us into two groups - one group singing "the first voice" and the other singing "the second voice". She had some trouble deciding which voice I was singing and then finally let me be "the second " adding "Just don't sing too loudly". I understand now that she was a kind woman and anyway she knew from the music lessons that I was the first to memorize the lyrics.

So I stayed in the choir. Once my then good memory  turned out to my disadvantage. Our group of girls was to sing at a school event. Some important guests were invited.  Unfortunately we had little time to prepare. And it happened that when we were performing my friends forgot the words of the song. We sang one couplet in full chorus and then there was only my tuneless voice singing. I was the only one who remembered the words! Oh my God! The audience started giggling and even the important guests couldn't keep smiling. My friends at hearing me sing solo beagan laughing, too. The music teacher stopped the fun by stopping the music.

But I still love music. And singing! My poor neighbours can confirm it because they have to listen to my concerts from time to time ( Viva Karaoke!).

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  • Afro, I'm really glad you liked my story. Thanks!!

  • hahahaha.....really I enjoyed a lot! But, wanna hear your recorded songs!

  • Thank you for your comment, Camel, you can iuuuuuuuv and oaaaaaaaaaaa as loud as you can, ec people won't hear you, and that's one of EC benefits!

  • Wow, Desire, there's a high chance your kids will be good singers, talent for music is hereditary.

  • Lol, Pearl, childhood memories are fun, really!!

  • Thanks, Miracle! :))))Writing and reading really help.

  • Thank you, Jay.How nice it is to be understood! :)))You certainly are a success, I ended up playing nothing after having a go at playing the piano and the guitar.

  • Wow, Rys, I am SO grateful to you for your comments!!!! Your corrections are greatly appreciated. LOL indeed for the word "baraniton". Now we know from whom you inherited your wonderful sense of humour.

  • Oi Inna,

      I really have no idea, perhaps the adminstration thought I was victimising you? I will try to post it again, as I have a copy of it. it goes..

       Nice piece of writing, and the subject you so wittily wrote there is also worth mentioning. It seems most of us had some experience with music at school, some pleasant, others not so heartwarming, so to say.

      I also had my short lived encounter with music and singing. It was in secondary school. In the second year we had an elder italian music teacher, who, on hearing my voice when he asked me to intonate the notes he played on the piano, just said - Bastsa, Ricardo, vai via! [that's enough, richard, go away], thus putting a full stop to any of my future attempts in the field of bel canto. I did not feel bad about it as I recalled how my mon commented my earlier attempts to immitate my rock and roll idols. She called my singing - baraniton!!! LOL

      Inna, althogh you did a great job with ur writing, there are a couple of stances needing amendment, the other insignificant mistakes I shall not deal with as it may be seen as pin-picking from my side.

     1 - our class..........difficult to RUN. better - our class.......difficult to manage\keep under control

    2 - Then we grew older, our teacher changed. - better - Later on/in later years we had another teacher. Our teacher changed - could be understood as a change in the teacher himself - got stricter, more tolerant or totally disgusted [choose what suits better]

    3 - event. Some important guests were invited. better - school event to which some important guests were invited.

    4 - ...guests couldn't keep smiling. - better - ...guests couldn't keep themselves from smiling.

    5 - The music teacher stopped the fun by stopping the music. -better - The teacher cut short the fun by stopping the music.  [ not to use twice "stop" in the same, short sentence]

      Well, that's it. I do not have the heart to torment you any more with my corrections, hope you understand me, the chatroom grammar gestapo. 

  • Rys, why can't I see your comment? I got a notification but I don't see it here.:(

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