My Milestone

I am writing this blog as to celebrate my own milestone. This is supposed to mark my 50th blog. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, my 50th blog is posted earlier which is a blog dedicated to my dear friend Noora; Wake up Soon, my Dear.

I never knew that I would be able to write a single blog, let alone my 50th. As I said in my previous blog "Practising English Online", I was one of those people that "don't do blogs, don't read blogs". It all started to change when a friend asked me to read her blog and write a comment on it. From there on, the rest is history, as people used to say.

My first blog "The Infamous Durian - King of Fruits" took me a long time to write and took longer to post. It challenged me to let go of my insecurities about my English grammar. It took a lot of courage and encouragement from my good EC friend, Grape for me to post it. My first milestone was February 14, 2013. Finally I posted my first ever attempt in blogging.

The first few blogs that I wrote were all based from my experiences. I didn't put myself as a "creative writer", because I can't write like certain EC friends in here about anything and everything and make them interesting. I can't write poem even my life is depended on it. And when I read a poem, most of the time, it leaves me mind boggled, rather than peace, as some of my EC friends in here. Thus, most of the time, I do not read poems written by EC members. I would like to apologise for that.

Tara Benwell's Writing Challenge : Finish My Sentence changed my view on my writing. She shown that if I sleep less, and think a little bit more, LOL, I can write something different. My first real attempt in writing a story was a short story "How I Wish". I was surprised that my EC friends had viewed my attempt with warmth. In here I would to thank each and every one of you who had read and written your wonderful comments. It really gave me encouragement to try writing something different.

Another milestone that I had encountered in here was when I finally posted nine chapters of "My Short Story : Life Puzzles". Again, I was surprised, maybe I should stop being surprised anymore, when my EC friends read the story with warmth and reading those comments were more fun than trying to come up with the plot of the story. I was reluctant to post the final Chapter 9 knowing that I was letting go my characters, and with it the funny comments and encouragements. It was like letting go of your kids and letting them explore the wide world.

Currently I am pursuing two writing projects; writing Malaysian's fables, myths and legend stories, and Did You Know? series. Introducing Malaysian's fables and other local stories is fun, whereas Did You Know? series is growing and I am yet to know when it is going to end. 

To all my EC friends, WMWSima⊱ Mickey ⊰NooranyI am VietnamesesewarHaNarizawaMr. BobBala from India and all others (you know who you are), and to my esteem English Teachers in EC DayneChloeT MalCheetahVanessaAB (Ameni)Tim New, and Tony Hogg I would like to write my heartiest thank you for all your supports. 

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  • Most of the times, you just roll and tumble all over, and drop into unsuspecting (and sleeping) blog. So, it's a real surprise. LOL.

    Anyway, thank you for such appreciation.  

  • Some times I run hither and thither and slip on the ways and slip on your blogs without clues LOL. Missing something until I see it somewhere on my way and I am back to collect it. You make me write more with your milestones, Noasssssss. My belated congratulations! 


  • Hi Happiness, support and encouragement from EC friends when they left their comments in my blogs really give me the believed and courage to write. So, I must thank all my EC friends for their nice words. I'm sure EC Members will give support to you too in your writings. Good luck!

  • You really do it from the start to now! My many congratulations and admiration. I should try hard following you.

  • sewar, my dear friend. Your words are always inspiring. Thank you so much for your support all these while.

  •      My dear friend, do you know why you became one of a greatest EC members because, you have done your best to grow from the inside out. You believe that non can teach you, non can make you spiritual, yes there were and are some have inspired you but, there is no other teacher but your own soul, that's why you are very special. My best wishes for you.

  • Dear Ha Nguyen, thank you so much. Your nice and warm words are encouragement that spur me on.

  • Dear Bala, you're welcome, you're welcome ... for more than 50 times. LOL.

    You know what, I am really honoured to have you as my friend. From the description that you put about me, hmmm ... I think I like the most is "a matured lady with a laptop on one hand and books on the other hand". LOL. Because that's the real me. I always have a one or two books within arms reach. Sometimes, I totally forgotten about the chat room or EC when I was too engrossed in my book(s). 

    As you said in your blog, commenting is also an art, I am always looking forward to read your comments in everyone's blogs. 

    Once again, dear Bala, thank you so much for your words and comments in my blogs. They are indeed the encouragement that I need to spur me on in my writing.


  • Noas...

    Thank you Thank you Thank you......for more than 50 times...

    I remember Mickey's Discussion of "What is Mickey like in your eyes?",,,,,And Shall I tell you now, what is Noaspls like in my eyes..???, other than CAT.....Granny cat !! .no, i never imagine you as a Granny, though you repeatedly insisting here as you are a Granny Cat....hehehe

    Whenever I think of u or read ur name here somewhere or read your blogs or comments or chat with you, the image appears before me as an "active, cute, calm, cool, matured lady with a lap top on one hand and books on other hand ".....Hahaha..i dont know why u r appearing like that to me....LOL...

    I could find out, why it is so....As Ms. Tara's Writing Challenge on Book Print refers that "You are what you read "...yes, we can determine, one's character, their personality, their life style...,from the type of Books what they read....and also I will say, we could make out from what they blog, how they blog etc.......and so in this way, i think what i am thinking about you as said above is cent per cent right....

    And Not only that, You have an unique style of writing your Blogs...and I like your, what do they call as "Directorial Touch" of your Blogs.....Yes Dear, i could find out your blogs anywhere even if u write in a different profile....and it is needless to mention how much useful your blogs are to us......Thanks a lot once again.....


  • My dear sweet vampire slayer sofiα, thank you so much for reading my blogs and commenting on them. I hope that I will be able to write my 1000th blog too. LOL.

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