My Formula One Diary - Day Two

This is my continuation of My Formula One Diary 2013.

Day One : 21.03.2013 (Read here)

Day Two : 22.03.2013

I can feel the excitement buzzing slowly. The people walked faster and the atmosphere seemed to be slightly electrified. 

At 10:00 a.m., the first car went to the track to signify the start of Practice Session 1 (P1). Round, round and round it goes. The engine noise was deafening. Normally I would bring a story book during these practices to kill the time, but this year I had totally forgotten about it. A note to myself : "Please, please, please bring a story book tomorrow, otherwise my mind will go round, and round and round like those cars".

P1 ended with no incident, nothing interesting. Well, except for one penalty for speeding in the pit lane. The driver was penalised 2800 Sterling Pounds. That was just a peanut for some of the teams.

At 14:00 p.m., Practice Session 2 (P2) started. The drivers seemed to be getting the grip of the track and drove a bit faster. The debris from the tyres was flying all over the track. Beyond the yonder, the sky was getting a bit darker by the minutes. 

About 35 minutes before P2 ended, the sky decided that it had enough and opened up. All the cars went to their pits and changed their tyres to Intermediate or Wet tyres. (Normally they just used Hard tyres).

However, it seemed that was the only excitement that I was going to get. P2 ended without any incidents or naughty boys being caught speeding in the pit lane.

Day Two ended early than usual since no incidents had happened. I took the opportunity to go to the Paddock area and was fortunate enough to be able to take some pictures of some of the drivers.

Looking forward for Day Three.

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  • 3-My Formula One Diary - Day Two ... 82

  • Too little words. :( I really should re-write this blog. :-P Thank you for pointing this out AH_TK. I know how you like to read long long longer and longest blogs. I know this short blog will not get your attention, at all. :-P

  • 3-My Formula One Diary - Day Two: 317  words ... views 76.

  • Dear Anizaq. OHMY. Why everyone is obsessed with that Baldy Guy?  LOL :-D. Yes, unfortunately, I was the one who took all the photos. 

  • Dear Babi. This is just a Preview. I hope the upcoming two days would be more interesting than the last two days.

  • OHMY. Syed ... you too??  LOL

  • LOL Mickey... of all people and I might add the drivers, you only noticed a thin bald guy who was a photographer I think.

  • Wow! [that bald guy is so thin] hehehe

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