My favorite drink

I don't like tea! It's strange, because tea (not coffee) is very popular in my country and tea-parties are the part of our culture. "He didn't give a cup of tea", this sentence was talked by old moscowites about a bad inhospitable man.
Do you think, I have never taste a good tea? Do you know, what kind of tea I have ever drunk? I try the best teas from Chine and Sri-Lanka, but I really don't understand a flavour of boiled bush and why the people enjoy it. And finally I had a courage saying myself, I don't like tea!!
I prefer other drinks. My favorite beverage is carcade or hibiscus tea. This nice red "tea" is typical for Egupt, Sudan and... Central America, where it is known as "Agua de Flor de Jamaica" (water of flower of Jamaica) and is used hot during Christmas time with ginger and sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg (good ideas, no?).
Usually I buy carcade in differenf arabian countries (IMHO, the best was from Qatar). I need a lot of this dried petals, because I like drinking it all year - cold with ice in summer and hot with honey and lemon in winter.
Carkade is rich of Vitamin C and organic asids. But you have to by careful! This drink is hypotensive. And you will not be full of beens after that!
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  • Yes, I can say now "I hate tea". But my friends don't understand me and they are aggrieved, because they think, I don't like THEIR tea(((

  • Why are you afraid to declare it?Say it aloud and I will repeat it after you:"I HATE TEA".I live in Egypt where tea is the most common drink 92% of Egyptians adore tea, however I do not like it as well. But I am addict to another kind of tea that I am drinking right now while writing this comment :the Chinese green tea".
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