My Dreams

I did everything I usually do before I went to bed last night,put the garbage out,brushed my teeth and you name it...I was in bed and in no time I was deep asleep,I very slowly went down,deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper again,it was so dark,I clearly remember that color.DARK...."No,.....Please don't......NO",I was shouting,I could not move a muscle,They were holding me putting me into a very grave.I remember I started to cry...That was the last thing I remembered,because I woke up for they were shaking me to wake up.I was sweating all over,frightened and numb with fear."It's OK" They said,"You were dreaming."...Days passed and it was my time to go back to my family,by the way I was away from home (Where? This is yet another story I might tell someday).Any way,soon I was with my family,It did not take too long for me to realize that something went wrong,something had happened.To cut it short they broke the news to me to tell me that my father passed away because of a heart attack.The dream,that very dark grave rushed into my mind once again...It was Dark,darker than what you might imagine...I can go on but that's OK for now.Well this was the dream I had many years ago and it came true somehow,I started this blog for you to come and write about your own dreams,it can be sad as mine,can be a sweet dream or even a nightmare.As long as you write about it that's fine.Be careful,for I am going to correct and score your writing.So roll up your sleeves set your fingers on the keyboard and start.God bless yea,Alireza.
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  • I am so sorry for your loss and also the horrible dream. I don't have a lot of dreams during sleep or maybe I forget my dreams. However, I remember one of my dreams which was so strange.

    I had a really strange experience during the sleep. I do not know I was at sleep or I was consciouess. I had both feelings, mixture of consciouss and unconsciouss. My soul was standing above my head looking at my hand and feet. I tried to move a little to know if I am at sleep or not but I was not able to move even a little. Then, I tried to cry out and say some thing but once again, I could not do that. My body was as heavy as a huge rock unable to move. For quite a while, I was in this position, until i don't know how, I could move a little and then, gradually I came back to a normal position. I do not know what it was. Was it a dream or was it real?

    Warm regards,
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