It was again a morning of usual life.   I walked to the bank to do some routine business. On the way, I found myself in the monotonous hullabaloo of the traffic engulfing me.  A shiver imbibed whole of me in spite of the warm weather. There were faces, flat expressionless, empty eyes, without emotions, or if there was any expression, it was the “meanness”.   They were all moving very fast, avoiding looking at each other as if there is no relation between them even of humanity. They were looking moving parts of machines.

When I reached the bank, the attending officer asked me to sit and wait. The mechanism of the atmosphere frightened me, all the work was going on mechanically, for some moments I felt pervaded by machines. The magic of the monotony was broken by the voice of the officer who was calling my name.

I got the work for which I went to the bank, finished. By then it made me feel stressed, so I straight came back home.  I was not feeling relaxed though I thought I would have been relieved this morning.

In the afternoon, I spent all the time reading or trying to read. Something was missing! I found one book which had the grip to keep the reader stuck with it. I don’t know when I put the book away and drowned in deep pondering or maybe it was a slumber.   In this silent reverie, a comely face beaming with pulchritude furled out slightly before my eyes, full of love and tenderness, seeping some memories from my veins, let me feel very happy, I swept into my bed and closed my eyes contented. 



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  • Great. .....
  • Thanks AGAIN for encouragement and appreciation.
  • I have just one word.. 

    you are full of vocabularies :) 

  • Thanks Eva for your elaboration on the view.

  • Mishaikh,

    So much waaaooow. REVERIE is new word to me and you participated in Muskan's writing challenge at the same time, thumbs up.

    You know, when I am waiting for the bus or train, often I also observe discreetly, because I do not like to stare at people, and I get the same thoughts as you described.

    These ones;
    "They were all moving very fast, avoiding looking at each other as if there is no relation between them even of humanity. "

    But what is really amazing is, when needed, humanity is present there, because when someone is hurt or injured or just in need of help, people are there to help. I think the time we are living in, everyone just want to keep a certain space and being afraid of crossing other persons boundaries, prevents people from acting and showing concern and care.

    Outstanding writing, thank you for sharing :-).
  • Thanks Laboni and usra for reading and liking.

  • Always got some new words in your writing. And always nice to read your writing. Thanks for sharing dear Mishaikh.
  • Thanks Ada. I am glad you like the blog
  • Thanks you very much Tasha for your comprehensive comment.
  • MR Mishaikh, you have described the life as we know today. it's exactlly as you said people avoid looking at each other. But you know , i think people creat for themselves another world where they can talk , smile , and feel free. It's the social media world ..
    By the way, it's a kind of freedom under the mechanism rules !! How it could be ? I don't know.
    this kind of life is keeping stole the most preacious moments between families, friends, and lovers in the real world.
    would we get rid of it one day?

    great blog.. thank you for sharing :)))

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