Moments of life

Sometimes it happens that you meet people in unusual places and one of them I met here. Though my mind is puzzled now I strongly believe that if you start talking to peoplel and if they start putting the roots in your life then it`s necessary to do it. Then you must learn smth from them and go further. Thanks, EC, for meeting such people :) 

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  • And what does "a friend" mean to you?

  • yes you are right some ppl we don't meet but they can quite easily put there roots in your life ,i meet a lot of ppl that i became  friends with them although  i didn't  meet them .

  • yeap, we should mention all small details in it in order to make the right conclusions and do the right steps in the future. And people in this life help you to follow the right way. Only if you can hear them and learn from them ;) 

  • This is 'experience' of life, and it goes on and one!

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