Missiles after missiles have been ruined my dearest city (Gaza). Every new day appears in my life as a shocking nightmare. Ocean of blood and bones show up before my tear filled eyes. I saw my dad wrapped in shroud, dumped with blood and wounded all the way. I do remember my mom banging her head and face, crying over her husband’s corpse, while my sister was laying dead under the debris of my house.  Skulls, organs, and blood, which I see every passing day, are protesting against the rule of jungle and demanding silently from all humans in general and those who claim equality and humans’ rights in particular to stop transgressors. But all are silent and do not dare to halt mightier oppressors as they have accepted the rule ‘Might is right’ themselves.

You see those transgressors and their supporters speak shamelessly and hypocritically on dices of humanity, freedom of speech and religious tolerance, brotherhood, equality and respect and have appreciation of their nations. But they are uttering just hollow words. What was the offense of those who dead in my city, just to be Muslim and ask for justice?

This rule of might is right will prevail all over the world until we all humans stand up against it.

Thought provoking feelings of those who live in Gaza.

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  • Thanks for correction. It happened erroneously. 

  • Well expressed!
    Missiles after missiles have been ruined or have ruined my dearest city (Gaza).
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