Merry Christmas

Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. For the Catholics, Christmas is the time of giving and sharing of blessings, time, and love to one another. It's also the most festive, joyful, and longest occasion celebrated around the world. This event includes nine consecutive dawn masses which starts on the 16th of December at around four in the morning. The novena is part of the mass for the Blessed Mother.

'Misa de Gallo' culminates the last day of novena (24th December) with gift-giving among families. It is believed that wishes would come true if you complete the nine-day masses. Christmas Eve or 'Noche Buena' is the best time to dine with family and friends while enjoying home-cooked meals and exchanging gifts.

In my country, people start decorating their homes and surroundings as early as September. Christmas songs can be heard in different radio stations and establishments especially in malls. The loud music with upbeat tunes attracts customers to visit the stores. The nativity, glittering lights, 'parols' (traditional star-shaped lanterns), and Christmas trees symbolize the season.

Unfortunately, this occasion is becoming too commercialized nowadays. Some people forget the very essence of the celebration while others tend to be materialistic. It's weird to think people celebrate the event without believing in HIM at all. :(

On a positive side, there are still more and more people would welcome Christmas as a sign of hope, forgiveness, and compassion. What I love about Christmas is the chance to be grateful for all the wonderful blessings in life. There's also a time to bond with family and friends and most of all - to reflect to the gospel teachings so we could face our miseries or hardships with determination and positivity.

In a nutshell, Christmas is the season of giving, the feeling of being 'thankful' with loved ones, and most importantly - to believe in Him with all of the reasons why he's become the holy child. Indeed, it's the most wonderful time of the year.

Merry Christmas!

What do you like the most about Christmas? Share your thoughts in the comment section. Thank you!

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  • Thanks a lot for liking this blog, Sir Josef! :)

  • Hi, The Way to the Moon!

    Many, many thanks for the greetings! It's nice to hear you're also celebrating Christmas. That's a new information for me, by the way. Have a great one, too!

    Welcome to MyEC!


  • Hi, Setareh!

    A million thanks for your kindness. I totally agree with you. I wish the elusive peace around the world would be attained in the future for there's nothing impossible. Have a fantastic Christmas break. I admired your effort in self-correcting your comment. I hope MyEC could add an edit button in the comment section just like in the video gallery comment box.

    Stay safe,


  • Hey, Grace!

    Thanks a lot for the greetings! Having a Christmas party on EC would be a great one with different nationalities singing Christmas songs and enjoy the food, the costume and a whole lot more!



  • Hello, Adaline!

    Thank you very much for your greetings! It's nice to know you liked Christmas trees. They have an important role in this yuletide season especially if they have plenty of lights. I hope you'll also have a peaceful and blessed Christmas season.

    Take care,

    Robbie :)

  • Hi, Evangelina!

    It's nice to see you back! Many thanks for your warm wishes. I hope you'll have a terrific time celebrating this occasion. 



  • Hello, Ate Anele!

    Welcome back! A million thanks for your prayers. I'm afraid my 'forever' isn't ready yet. I should probably wait for the right time according to Lola Nidora. Don't you worry I am very patient... :) 

    Have an enjoyable Christmas break!


  • Thanks again, Sir Dara! :)

  • Sorry I meant excuse*.
  • Dear Robbie, in my opinion each celebration can be an accuse to bring hearts closer to eachother, to fasten family bonds, to make us sympathetic about others and to make us more grateful for the wonderful things that God has granted us.
    I hope we never forget the main message of these ceremonies. Merry Christmas to you and all the people who celebrate Christmas.
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