to my fellow brothers,do you agree that the greatest weakness of men is LOVE that even a very powerfull man cannot resist!!!and it can turn our life upside down.hope you can give your own idea about this thaks a lot and have grat day god bless!!!
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  • Dear Art,

    Sorry to leave a lot of comments here.
    Hallaj said that throw yourself into the Fire of the love, and to be consumed by it. For at the moment of being consumed, you would reach the completed perfection.

  • Dear Art,

    If you are interested in reading the fabulous story of Hallaj, I found this for you, please click on the following address:

    It worth reading because reading the biography of Great people can make us great too.

    Good luck,
  • Dear Art,

    I think LOVE is not the weakness of men. It is actually the strength of them because the original purpose of life is to LOVE.

    We have many different leves of love.One is earthly and the other is spiritual. When we fall in love with someone, it is an example of earthly love. When this kind of love grows, we love anything anywhere. Next, We will fall in love with God and see everything very differently. Finally, we will be united with the whole universe, we feel we are the universe.

    Many years ago, I was reading a Persian litrature book because I am originally Persian, I found it very interesting and I think it is very benefitial if I share with you too.

    The story was about a person called Hallaj who was a very famous person and he was ,I guess, a spirtual leader. So, he said to people that he is God. Poeple at that time thought he is atheist. Consequently, they arrested him and wanted to execute him. The judge told him : "Say that You are not God and you made a mistake." But he said in return: "I am God." Then, they killed him.

    While reading the story, I was thinking that how a person can feel he is God. But after a while, I understood that. He was God because he loved everything and everyone no matter what how they are. They are friend or enemy, they are flowers or foxes and etc. He loved his friends or his enemys. That is the reall meaning of Love. God loves you no matter what mistakes you make. In my opinion, Love is the roots of all things in the universe.

    Take care,
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