Lost friendship!

A rose flower held by my hand,

I gave it love and care,

and saved it in my garden to grow,

but once it became independent,

it hurt my hand with its spines,

My mind wondered  in fog of confusion ,

why friendship end with a dead road?

,why it hurts that much so deep?,

wounds that hardly can be healed, scream from pain

which it will always contain.

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  • Thanks dear Martin.
  • Bia, thank you so much. Poetry is in me, it is my way to recover.
  • Yes Jamal, I wrote it. :) I am a poet.
  • It's an expressive words!! but are you the one woved the threads of this fantastic poem?!!!!!!
  • Thanks guys for all the support. I know many people in this world felt this, and you never know when you will face it. But my only wish to you is not experience this in your life and never meet those shadows of friendship. Yours Night.
  • hmm.. that reminds me of a couple of stories I wrote many years ago, based on the same topic, how friendships (or relationships???) came, left a footprint, and then either changed or disappeared. 

    Everything happens for a reason. There's a time for everything. Many things have a cycle to fullfill and then they are done. 


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