
Living.people walk , eat,play, talk to each other...people are living. people live but they dont really know the truth that they dont really live at all.why do i say so. Cause living means you really know the meaning of your life, i think.when you can not recognize it, you do not die but do not;s not necessary that you must devote all your life for noble purpose. no need to act as a president , a talent, a hero to save the world if you can't. a meaningful life just like you are happy with what u have, what you are doing. Simple. a singer really wanna stand at the stage and wanna give audiences the best of her. then trying more and more to practice. Singing becomes a part of her life . that is she knows god made her in the earth. i mean she's really living.How.yes. the important thing is how the meaning of your life be recognised. Simple. ask yourself:"what you are really care about". the number one of the school dance contest, a headline on the front many ways but for the only purpose: happiness_happy with the thing you do.each person has to identify their own way.i have. i'm on my way to find my own meaning. i love music. I'm crazy about rock. i wanna become a rocker. obviously, there must be troublesome to overcome: no instruction, no command from junior, no partners to share. but it doesnt matter. i wont stop even though my mum scold me so many times, even though the man next door complains too much. they said i was Crazy due to the noise i make. but it;s my passion, my happiness. i wont stop. wont stop my passion.i'm a beginner . if i have any mistake, show me, please.Crazy.
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