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  •        My friend, your picture of the bus, exactly like the picture of our life's bus. Both of them have no exact direction. God bless you my friend.

  • It's all depend on the driver. If he wants to go to the left, he will go to the left, otherwise, vice versa. 

  • Ehab, Americans drive on the right hand side of the road. Still, if you don't include more detail in those drawings, no one will ever know. Regarding American politics, "the left" refers to the more liberal citizens here. "the right" refers to the conservative minded individuals. Personally, my own bus crosses that "double yellow line" at times. Life is way too short to worry about political opinions. English Club is all about teaching and learning English.

    Nice job my friend. Keep the very best of us thinking and learning.:)


  • It must be moving to right.

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