I am leaving my country to move overseas. I will miss all of my friends here while I am away from the internet. My wife and I have an entire house to empty so we can let others live here while we are gone. I am spending many hours every day getting ready.There is so much to do when leaving your country.Many things have to be sold and others put in storage, or given away for someone who can use them. We will recycle all the unusable items, of course.Other than that, I have very busy times ahead, such as deciding what I can bring with me in the limited space of an airplane.A few books, clothes, and of course my laptop?My wife will follow in a few weeks with her items.What would you take if you had move away and were going to be gone for a few years?Keep in mind you can have one small carry-on bag and a larger bag or trunk in the luggage compartment of the plane.Seriously, what would you bring and what would you leave?Maybe you can help me with your suggestions. Weight and space are both a problem. As an English teacher, I must bring some of my books. What else should I try to squeeze into a trunk?I will not be able to answer your comments, but I will try to get to see your suggestions.I will tell you where I am after all of my visa and other papers are approved. Maybe English teachers are too undesirable :) for immigrants, so I will be quiet about the final destination until we both have arrived. :)))Thank you for any suggestions!
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  • Hi May,
    Thank you. I expect to have a very good time, but I do hate the long flights. I will fly out of here on Monday. My visa was finally completed and I have my tickets for the flight. My plane will land in Jeddah, KSA on Tuesday night. Then I will travel by car to the location of my new job. I may sleep a day or so to catch up on sleep and will visit the University and the school.
  • Dear Bob,

    First of all, wish you all the best for your moving ...

    A lot of us have experienced the moving from here and there but just what matters is the frequency and the distance.

    I have moved and stayed with my family all over some places in the world. I like moving to different countries and different districts but not within the same old town... :)

    But nowadays, it's not quite special about moving since we've internet which get us in touch each other.

    Hope to hear your experience on moving soon..

    with regards,

  • I am still creeping toward the departure date. I have finally made contact with the other male teacher who has finished the visa process and is already there and teaching. It sounds great, and shortly I will disclose my final destination.

    How exciting this all is to me! I hear that it is very nice weather every day.

    The people who adopted Chevy wanted to give him back because their dog kept trying to bite him. Fortunately my wonderful sister-in-law offered to keep all three dogs together because she felt they would miss each other being split up. We left them Monday morning with tears all around and drove back to Texas in less than 11 hours. I feel so much better having my dogs with a family that will love them and that they have known for years. The cats may not be so happy with the extra dogs, but The only permanent one will undoubtedly become an inside cat again.

    I love you guys here at MyEC and feel like I am missing this family too. I will tell more about my trip to say goodbye to relatives soon. For now I am still getting things wrapped up here and at my old job.
  • Hello Bob!
    You are in a very difficult situation in my opinion,moving away is not easy,especially,leaving our country behind!
    I admire you,your strenghs and your endurance,I'm sure I couldn't do the same.
    I could leave my country for a longer stay,but I'd come back,and I would keep my house here,(it was built by my & my husband....)
    I spent a lot of time abroad,many years,but I am a very homesick type of (wo)man,after a while I always had to return for a visit,because I couldn't stand longer....
    If I had to leave my home,I'd have to bring my children and my big Dog with me,it wouldn't be easy.
    I wish you success and a happy new life,wherever it might be!

  • Hello Bob! I understand , one thought about another country leads sad ones.But i know you are very strong personality, and you see life as a lesson which throws something.Of course, we 'll miss you ,but people can be friends any country, there's no limit to the number of friends. Good luck you and your family.
  • Thanks for the wonderful comments and suggestions. I hope to have a minute to check each day if I am lucky.
  • Hello Bob!

    I hope you and your wife are ok, instead of so many things to do. You know, I've just moved to a new town, so I understand what is happening to you.
    Well, in my case, as I moved to a place which is not so far from where I lived before, I could bring almost everything I had in my old house. It was easy... But with you is very different!
    If I were you, I would separate the most important things, like some clothes, materials (books, laptop computer...), personal objets, your TV and other small furnitures that are more necessary for you...
    I would leave old papers, some old clothes, and objects which are not so important. Sometimes it's very difficult to decide what to take or leave, I think you both have to be objective.
    Good luck in your new country! And don't forget to tell us where you will live. =)
    Take care,

  • Ah, best of luck for poor Chevy! He's definitely gonna miss you, like rest of us.

    Best of luck for your new adventure, I'm sure, you'll have a great time.

    All my prayers.......
  • I have had a very long day! I hate packing and moving, but I don't hate going on an adventure. It's just the work that it is taking to get started on the adventure.

    @ EVERYONE Thank you all for your comments. I am taking a rest and checking on my friends on MyEC. You have given some very wise comments so far.

    I am actually excited to have an adventure living in another culture for a while. It is a new chapter in my life.

    There is some sadness of course. I was saddened to drive away yesterday leaving my brown dog Chevy, with people I had just met. He and I had driven over 60 miles to see the people who said they might be willing to take him. At least they live on the edge of a lake and there are other dogs and other animals there for him to meet.
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