Know English Better.......

...................... KNOW ENGLISH BETTER many of us proudly claim at least once every day that English is our first language.HERE r some unusual facts about ur favourite language that will surprise even the most fluent of English speakers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,* no words in the english language rhymes with month, orange, silver,and purple.*of all the words in the english language, the word " SET" has themost definitions.* "ough" can be pronounced in eight different ways. the following sentence contains them all. a rough-coated, dough-faced, ploughman strode, through the street of Scarborough,.cough and biccoughing thoughtfully...... * "rhythms" is the longest english word without the normalvowels, a,e,i,o,or u.* the idiom " pillar of salt" means to have a stroke, or to become paralysedand dead,* the phrase "sleep tight" originated when mattresseswere set upon ropes woven through the bed frame, to remedy sagging ropes, one would use a bed key to tighten the rope,* the plastic things on the end of shoelaces are calledaglets.* the two lines that connect ur top lip to the bottm of ur nose are known as the PHILTRUM.........ANS THIS QUESTION; q; TELL ME AT LEAST ONE MOST SURPRISING THING OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE.........I'M WAITING FOR UR COMMENTShav a great day n take good care of urself. ' HAPPY STUDIES"
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