In a dispute between computer users was trying to clarify whether the computer
"Male" or "Female" is. The women voted for

You have to turn him on to get his attention.
He has a lot of knowledge, but is still haphazard.
He should help one to solve problems, but in half of the time is he the problem himself.
And after you got him you starts to ask yourself if there isn't a better one to get.

The men agreed on the following reasons
Not even the creator understands the internal logic.
The language that they speak  among themselves is to understand for nobody.
Even the smallest errors are stored in it's Long-term memory to use it later again against you..
Once you have one, goes all the money on it for the accessories.

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Rose Iris

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  • LOL. Thanks for sharing this joke. So, everyone is a computer, somewhat! 

  • Hmmmm.... I see. Yes, just as life itself :/
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