Is it a blog or not?

Lately I have come across here many so called "blogs", which I wouldn't be able to call the blogs even in my wildest dreams, so let me tell you in short my opinion about something I am able to call THE BLOG.

In your blog you can write about what you do lately, what is just right now bothering you, what you have experienced, about your hobbies, places you have visited, people you admire, you can share poem you composed etc. Blogging is about expressing yourself, your opinions, ideas on particular topic and the blog should contain in my opinion at least 100 words. By the way would you believe that even now I have written more than 100 words? Ok, it should be longer :-D

What I wouldn't call a blog:

1. Copied text from the Internet

If you copy something, you must mention the source, otherwise it is called plagiarism and here on EC you are being warned not to plagiarize. Let me add that I will never get, why to do something like this, why to post text written by somebody else and pretend it is mine - childish, don't you think so?

2. Picture with the quotation copied from the Internet

Well, I can understand that you might like such picture and it represents your opinion but in this case, why can't you write a blog about this topic by your own words? We are here to practise English so let me ask one simple question: "Does sharing pictures improve your written English?"

3. A question addressed to the readers.

If you want to debate on some topic, ask the question in the different section, which is called: discussion forum – you can check it here:

4. One or two sentences blog with the quotations or text no matter if from Quaran or Bible is also something we can hardly call a blog.

I can understand that our level of English is different and that to write a blog might sometimes be not so easy but from above written is more than clear that this is not the right way how enhance our English.

Please think about it and try to practise your written English as much as possible since you have here on this website opportunity. I bet people will enjoy reading blogs written originally by you ;-) 

The last tip: As long as you want others to correct you, which I find verry beneficial, just type into tags – corrections.

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  • Of course that it can be even 1000 words :-D but remember that people are lazy to read such long blogs... I think 500 is enough and NO NEED TO SEPARATE IT, nobody will read it then :D good luck with your blogging btw!

  • Ehab, lool m not a teacher, if I were a teacher, many of my students would be killed because I am very impatient person :-D thank you for liking it and for your comment.

  • Student, thank you for the comment, it was just my opinion and you are right, something like this wont improve anybody's English.

  • Hello Luci

    you are a good teacher .

    thank you for your useful information 

    it will help us here in English Club 

    thank you a gain 

  • Hello everyone
    Thank You Luci for this good topic , and thanks for explain us what does "Blog" Means exactly .
    you know it's free and freedom space for anyone who want to learn english as they want with their own way , I think they don't Serious about learning english who made (copy-paste) , they want make some pastimes , I don't know How anyone cheat himself before cheat the others , how they satisfy themselves ?
    So take it easy , and Thanks a lot for this interesting BLOG .
    My Regards

  • Afroooo, I meant a blog where somebody only ask sth and this is in their opinion blog. Of course, you can ask question at the end of your blog, why not? :-)
  • Liar, thanx for praising words :-) u r right, it might not change anything but maybe those who did it will think about it. Btw we all can write to Expector Smith who is blog moderator about such blogs and he will do sth with it ;)
  • But, sometimes I like to ask a question at the!

  • I really enjoyed all of these nice comments. I'm glad you all care and are trying to help maintain the "Blogs".

    Some bloggers are so annoying and unacceptable - they don't really want to learn or improve their English. They may think their English is already good enough, but, on the contrary, they can't express themselves properly in English. 

    Let me know if you find anything inappropriate or illegal. Many thanks to all of you!

  • Sandra, ohhhh m so glad you admitted it all in this comment :-D do the copy paste and don't worry I know you are native and yout English can't be better! thanx for your cute comment ;-)

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