I would like to say here something too. This post is about Evangelina's sort of hysterical screaming at people, who decided to leave this site. Honestly... I am shocked and disgusted. Firstly, I consider sort of childish to post a blog and close comments... to come up with something and not take responsibility for what other think and face it.. why??? This behaviour is sort of sth what is called dictatorship... just likes are alloweded, nothing more!Anyway, I am shocked that somebody who often uses here words like tolerance and respect, becomes suddenly kind of selfish and hysterical. Three people left this place. It was their personal decission and I do believe they had strong reasons to leave or delete their accounts. Is it such a big problem to understand it? We have no idea about their real life, we have no idea what kind of problems might have forced them to do it! Evangelina's blog included such paranoid lines that I could just stare with open mouth...Why would they laugh at blogs they are being missed in? Why should they feel ashamed? If I were them and saw this....I wouldn't go back at all.. How can somebody dare to write such hysterical insane post without knowing real reasons, which are behind such actions? Where is tolerance this girl always comes up with? I respect decissions of those three guys and ofc I would like to see them back but I can just hope because the rest is up to them...It is everybody's free choice to leave, so stop judging them kindly... Thank you for reading me.. now eat me all alive :D
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  • Luci, has Eva lest?!

  • huffffffffffffff, Thanks Mary.. Someone has already cancelled it now, Estanis... keep dancing alone there :P 

  • Geez Estanis! You came here too late, how slow you are! ¬¬ 
    Now everybody is leaving and we'll have to blame you for that...

  • Mary,

    I'm ready for a 'Full Monty' show for a good cause and it's fair that Danny and AG join me for the same reason.
    Yeah... this tactic always works. You're getting close to the Nobel Prize ;)
  • I like to make a granny out of Luci :P 

    Anyways, her sister.. nevermind :P

  • LOL

    I don't think that Luci (as I have seen her in her videos and images) is that old and Evangelina related to her literature is so child that Luci can be instead of her mother. Isn't it? ... Perhaps it is better to say her sister.

  • sorry for grammatical mistakes -_- 

    I quit reviewing my comments before publishing them :X 

  • Luci, dear :) 

    I just want you to know that I care about you here.. and I really don't wish that you will be stay away from here... I am sure that you can forgive her as forgive your own daughter when she does a mistake... We love you to stay here.. and Evangelina has to know that you are tough with her as a mother can be tough with her daughter.. We don't wanna spread something else except love here.. 

  • Guys,
    I won't come up with heart touching lines to prove myself being saint, it wouldn't be me. I can just say that in the name of peace here...I will stay away for some longer time. Have fun, guys.. just don't forget that freedom is sth very important and we should let others say what they want to say...no matter if we like it or not... peace out and in...
  • Evangelina, dear..

    I was tough with you.. I am really sorry.. 

    Just was really upset because of your comment.. 

    Sorry and I wish we come back friends again.. 

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