When I was a child, I had a little dog, and when he became very ill, we killed him. It was for mercy. It was the right thing to do (said my father).What is the right thing to do when people become very ill. Would we have to suffer like animals. Did we treat our dog like an animal?.

I know that, I would like to be treated like my little dog.I am not ill. I am just talking hypothetically.

Did you see someone suffer terribly?

Here, I don't know why, the medical fashion is the brutal sincerity.

Years ago, they never told you the truth, but now it is quite different.You can go alone to a hospital and they can tell you that you only have two days.

Years ago, they could keep you breathing with your brain death for years. Now they disconnect you in no time. Ha!, they ask first to your family if you want donate your organs.

The medical system here could easily change the rules in a few years. But evidently they did it because of money. To do something like this because of mercy, is more difficult.

Money keep the world whirling, mercy not.


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  • Well, i know this topic won't be seen with the same eye, depending on where we live in the world and on what is our culture. As a nurse, my job is to take care of people in order to cure or, at least to make them feel better. But sometimes, it's an impossible task, and i believe it is our duty to help people to die when they are suffering so much and that there is NOTHING to do anymore. Here in Belgium, euthanasia is accepted after that a council of 3 doctors have seen the patient and they all agree that the patient is in the finale state of the illness and that NOTHING can be done for him/her anymore. I know this rule goes against all the religions, but i believe God or whatever His name is  has compassion for those people suffering in an awful way.

    My mother died when i was 20 years old, she had a lung cancer. During all her illness that lasted 17 months, i took care of her and always hoped for the best. She was extremely brave and she never complained, she was more courageous then myself, always encouraging. A few days before she died, (i was staying with her at the hospital) the cancer had spread all over her body and she had metastases in her brain, and kindeys. The pain she had was terrible, even morphine couldn't help her anymore, and at that time, she could only have a shot of that drug every 3 hours. It was not enough to kill the pain. To see her torturated this way, she, who had always been so courageous and never complaining, was unbarable. And if i had had the necessary drugs to put her to sleep, i think i would have done it. She asked me a few times... but, unfortunately at that time, euthanasia was against the law. Now, thanks God, it is allowed in some cases, and under very strict rules. I know the borderline between "murder" and "euthansia"  can be very thin, that's why i am for it, but ONLY if the patient is asking for and after doctors gave their green light.

  • Euthanasia is still a very controversial issue throughout the world. I'm personally not in favor of Euthanasia because I don't consider it much different than suicide(if consented by patient themselves) or murder(if family of patient allows it). It is by no means acceptable even if the patient consents for it themselves. Also a family has no right to allow doctors to kill their family member. I believe only God has right to take away my life from me because He's the one who has granted life to me. As far as the story of your little dog is concerned, he was an animal for sure and not a human being. Although I agree that we should treat animals with utmost care, love and mercy, however; by no means an animal's life can be equal to a human's life.
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