How to Pronounce My Name

Listen to File 1 in the music player below. Then go and create your own recording. Share the proper pronunciation of your name. Add a link to your recording in the comments below. If you have any questions, let me know! You can also share the proper pronunciation of your nickname. (Feel free to share the history of your name too.)If you don't know how to add an audio file to your MyEC music player, visit this tutorial.

This post was inspired by Uygur. I'm still not sure how to pronounce your name! I look forward to your recording.
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  • nice to meet u , think you for you recording.
  • nice to meet u Tara
  • Or this way: Shake sp ear e - then Shakespeare could easily be remembered.
  • I used to spell it wrong too! Shakes pear e
  • Good idea Tara!

    I guess family names (last name/surname) are even more difficult for learners. Usually, learners can cope with simple, popular first names well. And, some names popular in the USA might sound very strange to people in other parts of the world.
    The names of immigrations in an English speaking nation may sound very alien. An unusual name might cause trouble, so it's safer to give one's child a popular name.

    In terms of 'difficult name', I managed to remember this name Shakespeare, which I used to spell wrong.
  • Yes, Expector. I think we can handle your name! Maybe we should make a collection of names that are difficult.
  • Yes, it can be hard to pronounce somebody else's name correctly. If you are a celebrity, chances are that other people will pronounce your name well. And learners may find it difficult to remember a foreigner's name. Some names can be very strange. I like simple and popular names, such as Tara, Ann, Bob, Bill...

    My name is easy to pronounce, isn't it?
  • Maybe we could try using Has anyone tried this?
  • Great deuce. I love your explanation!
    Hope you will like it. I can't make mp3 files so I just made a short video :)
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