How To Earn A True EC Sense of Humor

In life, it's my belief that the very best learners of good humor and comedy have earned their expertise through hardship, pain, and suffering. The death of a loved one, failed relationships, struggles with learning, etc..If you can't, or haven't experienced these life situations and learned to laugh, this post isn't for you. Please,.. stop reading now!!!

The overwhelmingly vast majority of people that I joke with on this site simply make my day with a shared chuckle over this "Information Super Highway"!!

To the rest of my less humorless and inexperienced EC learners; I'm offering a "crash course" in early May of this year. It involves a rusty old Ford truck with a sticky throttle, a six pack of American Beer, a rural dirt road, and a tree lined drainage ditch! 

If you wake up in the hospital with most of your front teeth still intact, less than two broken bones, and can still smile about it, then this teacher will give you a passing grade. 

Oh!!!; I forgot this very important point. 

For legal matters, this must be stated. Please provide your own airfare, hotel accommodations, rusty Ford truck, six pack of American beer, and lawyer's fees. I'll be on a safe and neighboring hillside to film and post it all on this site.

On a more serious note, I love all of my good hearted, EC jokers and keep the laughs coming!!! "Take care y'all!!".      

P.S..those classes are filling up quickly so book your reservations early!! lolll 

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  • Dear as you know I'm looking for a job. Do you eed a teacher? I might not drive a truck but I asure loads of significant alternative situations :D let me know :-*

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