How to be a successful learner

It's important for any learner to follow some steps to be a successful learner for any language. Here are some steps which I tried out in my study:1- Communicate your knowledge with others. we can do this through writing.2- You should read as much as you can.It's a useful step just if you read with understanding.3- Have confidence of your ability to talk and use your language even with native speakers. Because by doing this you will improve your way of talking and speaking.4- Use all the possible communication's tools to help you use your language. In this age we have the most important one which is the you can use the sites for teaching languages to help with some useful lessons.5- Apply what you learn in your real life.6-Think before you give an answer to any question just to be sure of your answers. Ofcurse you can do this if you ask questions and get answers.You will never know that you are wrong unless you use the language in all its' skills forms which are: writing ,speaking ,listening and reading.Dear friends you can add your own steps to mine to know more about learning a language through experiences.Have a nice time...By Emilie
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  • Hello icen:
    Thanks alot for your nice words. We can help each other in learning English.

  • wow ,thank you for shareing your experience
    I am working on my English , I am not good at it
    your words tell me what should I do
    thank you
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