how i am

i'm always trying to be strong for explain how i am ,that's a little bit of a lot of things i was trying to explain to some people who cares but...nobody listens nobody cares....ect
So i choose shut up and keep my fellings inside,and let them see just my flesh and blood and that what they want to see..but i learnt something that life is cruel .

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  • first off all i wanna like your blog cuz i like people who try  to find answer of their question ,,,, i wannna tell you fist off all u have to find your self ,you have to know who u are by your self ....u have to see your self in your eyes mirror and find who you are and how u wanna be and wanna see your self  in what kind of situation in the future ur bigest problem is that u wanna know how ppl think about you ,,,you know your self by Verdict of others .... how could ppl care about you and what are u telling in while you dont yourself isnt  cruel Dear make it cruel when u wanna other attention when you dont care about your self ,,,, find your self in other way or in other role ,,,some times ppl have different role ,,,maybe you arent a good  Preacher  , that is why ppl dont care about what u are telling maybe if u find yourself by acting some thing especial and good ppl know u better and love you more  ,and before speaking or doing some thing just think about the feeling of ppl who u are speaking or doing something for them ,,see things from their side ,,and dont try to change other people opinion ,,their opinion is all of their life that they spend for them ,,,and their Experience is like their children that they dont wanna lose them ,,,,than find your self first without any role that you choosed   before find your talent :)" and sfter that find a way to effected ppl not change ppl 

  • Hi issawi, just to add a thought. You cannot force people to love and care about you. But the sure thing is, YOU can love yourself. YOU can care about yourself. The most important thing is, how you feel about YOURSELF. Be happy being yourself first, before somebody else need to make you happy.

  • Dear Issawi,

    Firstly, I just want to remember you, that you have been created in this life to fight, not by arguing or disputing with people badly, nor by saying bad or harsh word to whom you think they are cruel. But by your good behavior, and your patience to their abuses. Fight for your happinss, easiness and peacefulness cleverly. You have to be political somehow. You are right, you can face cruel people in this world. However, by your patience and goodness in treating those bands nicely, you can change their mind and make them even nice. We have a proverb in my country says: '' who throws at you stones, throw at him flowers''. Answering to your question, you can't make people care about you, unless you increase doing special things to raise their interest in you. Be special.

    Be happy and merry!

    Best wishes :)


  • but if you live with somebody don't cares on you, what do you do?
  • Life is not cruel. It is what you want it to be. Life is fair, it's just like a wheel, something it's up and sometimes it's down. Sometimes it's a smooth ride, and sometimes you hit a lot of potholes and bumps. But whatever it is, accept it as part of whole cycle.

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