How do YOU learn effectively?

We all learn new things in a different way. Some people learn best one way more than another. 

Personally, I need to read something in order to learn it well. I like to take notes and rewrite what I've learned. Wise quotes help me take in important information. I need to see a map or read directions if I want to go somewhere new. You could say I'm a visual learner. Visual learners need to see something in front of them, such as a diagram, a video, or a written explanation in order to learn it well. 

Other types of learners need to hear something before they learn it well. They also like to discuss topics or present their findings after they've learned about it. These are called auditory learners. Podcasts and lessons with an audio component are useful for these types of learners. A GPS that talks to you is probably a good investment for an auditory learner. 

Other people are kinesthetic learners. These people learn best through their own personal experience. They enjoy being active while they learn. The best way to learn English for a kinesthetic learner may be to visit a foreign country or to take part in an online chat.  Kinesthetic learners are not afraid to take new routes to discover their way around. 

How do YOU learn English most effectively?Will you learn English more quickly if you try an approach that suits you better? I hope you'll agree that offers learning solutions for all different types of learners! 

Note: This topic was inspired by today's #edchat on twitter. If you are a teacher (always a learner), consider joining this educational chat each Tuesday! 

Visual Learners


Auditory Learners


Kinesthetic Learners

Check out How to Make a Paper Snowflake. Why might this video appeal to all 3 types of learners? 


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  • Oh Dear Tara,

    Self-knowledge is highly important for those who makes self-study so that

    thank you for bringing awareness,

    I am visual learner too, but I'm jumping in all categories :))))

    Methodology is a vital subject for learners that everyone needs to know,

    Thanks again for your guidance...


  • Oh thank you for this one, it really help...

  • Dear Tara,

     It is excellent really! The people are different in understanding the world we all live! Learning is a continuous process irrespective of age, nationality, creed and so forth. Yes, EC is actually an ideal place to improve English language!

    “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

    Henry Ford

    Good luck!




  • Such wonderful wealth of knowledge.. amazing universe of EC

  • wonderful.... i love Ec.

  • Hi Merianne,

    It is believed that "making mistake" is good. You'll be getting better, if you keep up your work.

    I got big benefit from the pronunciation symbols, my pronunciation level certainly improved dramatically.  My humble suggestion is that you care about the phonetic symbol while looking for a word in a good dictionary.

  • @Merianne Great! I'm glad you enjoyed these. Do you think we should make some more dictations in 2012? Let us know if you have any suggestions for topics or content.

  • Hi Tara!

    This was my first exercise in dictation, I like it really!


    I made some mistakes because of two reasons:

    - I don't now the right spelling of some words,

    - I don't know some words at all, I think that depends on how much my vocabulary is rich..

    But you know? I couldn't hear some words in the speed versions, it is useful to know how to spell the whole sentence well, when the slow version is good for writing and spelling correctly!

    I would thank you again teacher! My best regards!

  • Woow, dictation tool referred by Tara is really awesome, I couldn't see it at all until now,

    Thanks Tara,

  • Thank you Tara for another useful blog. I usually learn English through reading and listening. But, I realized that in order to achieve fluency, I need to work more of my speaking skills which is the most important part of learning a language. Cheers! ")

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