I have always been in love with watching movie related to the space or science. Latest movie that i have watched related to it is "Gravity", acted by two famous stars, Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. I always wonder if i can even feel to be in the space, feel the zero-gravity impact then fly around, it would be such unprecedented experiences for me. When i was kid, i had so many dreams and one of them was being an "astronout", then the only thing i was after was how i could go up there and land my feet on the moon-surface.

Every night i used to look up to the sky and say those things to myself, "what if". Now i change my direction to something that i also in love with, and it will be my job in my future, but the desire of going up to the space always be in my mind. Once i know from my lecturer about how we can build up new job sectors, he gave us many examples of successful enterpreneurs, one of them is Richard Branson, the "Virgin-galactic" founder, this is a company related to commercial manned-space flight, where you can go up to the space without having any kind of particular skill such astronout or something like that, instead of paying the bill and having a remarkable experience in very safe and futuristic space-craft.

This is the look of Galactic official website:

Official webite:Virgin-Galactic

 To see the introduction of this company-service, check the following video:

For further information about the related contents, you can simply go to its official website, and perhaps you will be one of the people who will have the remarkable experiences.

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