Why do hide here so many people their true identity, I did join here to improve my English skills, but meanwhile I think there are too many people here to flirt only or to speak bad about others. But why do they it secretly? Why hide they their real gender and origin? I think there are many persons here who don't have the permission to speak so frankly in their own countries as so as they do here. So they try living their second face in cyber world. And it's like a virus. There are even person which have a joy to offend others or to spread their evil tongue.

When I became a member here some weeks ago, I was always online with my real name and a photo what showed my face. After just a little time I realized how it goes here and I changed my name and removed my photo from my profile. Usually is it not my manner, I prefer to be honest and clear with straight opinion and to show my real identity. I'm a sincere person and used to to be able to look in someone's face... friendly and open ... and still more important, to look at me in the mirror and not to be ashamed to see myself. Maybe is the opinion about Germans correctly when others say we are too directly in our speech and we don't beat around the bush before we get to the point. Some persons think we aren't much polite and friendly but I think ... it's only our habit. Hahaha, I know, not everyone is the same... even not in my country... there are good and evil people, too. It's the same as everywhere around the world.

I noticed during following of discussions in main room people they are showing their political incompetence, or openly express their prejudice or even express hostility against people from certain regions and countries or against members of other religions. I think that has nothing to do with improving a language.
They use it only to spread hate. I did read opinions in discussions in main room like: "you are welcome as long as you aren't a jew" ... and that was just one of the "politest" comments. Even if the speaker was thinking to make a joke only, something hasn't to be mentioned at all.

Much more we should use this kind of platforms to find what we have in common and not what separates us. Speaking to each other and share experiences and opinions helps us to reduce prejudice and to understand each other much better.
The medium Internet gives open minded persons the best possibility to go in touch to each other.... very easily and efficient. Let's do it!!!


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Rose Iris

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  •  Hi Rose, 

    The way I see it, there will always be people who will bully others because of differences in beliefs or culture.  I don't find it useful at all to cross swords with such people. I just think that if we write what is right and good perhaps one day we will all find this middle ground you speak of here.  Thanks for this honest observation. :)

  • Dear Ms. Rose, I really feel you here, I experienced cyberbullying to the other rooms, just because I'm a Filipino, they focused on the bad news about my country, about our persons as Filipino. I came there to improve my English skills but ended up frustrated and confused, though others may say that "they don't know who you are, don't get affected and just ignore them", still I was hurt. I have a principle in life that don't do unto others what you don't want to do unto you. As much as possible, I want to respect all people, even though sometimes doesn't pay back. Now, I'm not expecting anything in return, respect me or not I will respect them, it just goes to show who I am, and who they are. I bear in, does fighting with them will benefit me? my being? my pocket? no. I will just accept the fact the people are diverse, we are all entitled to our opinion however I'm hoping our opinion must be utilized to help other people not to bring them down. Congratulations! This is so relevant, it helps the soul. Good Job Ms. Rose. God bless

  • Sometimes I feel that education is not putting the due impact it should be.  I, in spite I am a man, have sustained some bad experiences in the 'internet world'  one is the worst so far. (Not here on EC).  In one of the discussions here on EC, the discussions started on politics and ended up on abusing our Prophet.  Yes, we are not 'educated' with all degrees obtained.

    Very well written Rose.  You see, it looks beautiful, too.

  • As you well said, in real world there're good and 'less good' people and so is here.

    In my case I look at the bright side of things and don't pay attention to what doesn't interest me, it doesn't mean I remain indifferent if I ever see any unfairness.
    Anyway I appreciate also the values you referred above; honesty and being clear with no need to hide oneself.

    Btw, Germans maybe usually go straight to the point but so far I haven't met any impolite person there :D
    Nice blog!
  • Dear Rose, here people may hide themselves behind a fake name and picture but they can not hide their true self, so they are more real than the real world. I also agree with you about spreading love and focusing on our similarities rather our differences. I hope we don't bring war and hatred here just like real world. Thanks for sharing your nice writing. Oh I forgot to say that to be frank is a good feature.
  • Thanks to everyone who has commented here on my blog. I appreciate your opinion very much.

  • Very well written.  Break you article in short paras.

  • good work.I also agree with you.but anyway,i learn many things by reading blogs.

  • Frankly said I also don't like that kind of discussion about race, religion, politic and others sensitive case. You may right, that has nothing to do with improving a language. But I am not too sure. By involving yourself in such 'a hard discussion' with hard theme, you make yourself get used to debate atmosphere which is very useful in improving a language. One point, take the positive ones and leave behind the negative side. 

  • People here show there self as good might be just to impress
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