I wrote this blog in last December.


This is a truth, believe me, I am happy she forgot me. 
Love is dead now, I am happy she forgot me. 
My glooming, my sadness is just because of the changing of weather. 
Don't ask how I am, I am just happy to know that she forgot me. 
Don't alert on my disposition, don't look into my eyes, 
Don't see me with surprise, I am happy that she forgot me. 
Why are you afraid, why don't you come to me 
O fairies of my sleep believe me, I am happy that she forgot me. 
Why do you come to me with open arms 
O her memories I am happy that she ignored me, she forgot me. 

Sadness is now throughout my house. 
Write on the walls that I AM HAPPY TO FORGET HER. 

Following is the response to the above CRY!


 He promised that he will never forget her, 

and now, he is happy to forget her. 
And she........ah! She..........between the first promise with tears and the second said happiness of leave, she is just a toy between forgetfulness hands,,,,,,,,a toy in limbo! 

In the night, the pride sleeps and the longing wakes up alone devouring her 
and the heart writes the same daily story........with the ink of tears 
that now she wants to go in long trave,l,,,,,,but 
but,,,,,,,,,,anyone knows where can she find the way to a place in which her heart is not following her! 

The gossiping ladies' whisper echoes in her ear 
their sarcastic laughs says "hurray, at last he forgot her" 
She helplessly bows her head and her silent tear wonderingly wails "has he ever remembered me to now forget?”

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  •       Oh my friend!!!!! Really I like to look in your head to reach the thoughts that surround you. I am amazed by your talent. Anyway my friend, from my experience I can say; no one can escape safely from love. Love, is a rotted word, which we couldn't take it off from our hearts easily, even if the only thing we got it from it is; tears.  No one can forget, and no one can be happy if he or she be forgotten. My experience confirmed that. God bless you my friend.

  • Optimistic Soul Thanks for your comments.

    See one thought, so many opinions,  this is we call BLOGGING. Very nice to see such discussions............very creative.

  • Hey saba, have a heart DOSTUM. 

  • Fatimah, pleased to see you here once again. May Allah bless you.

  • Thanks SFA for your reaction.

  • i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
    my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
    i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
    by only me is your doing,my darling)
                                                          i fear
    no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
    no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
    and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
    and whatever a sun will always sing is you

    here is the deepest secret nobody knows
    (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
    and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
    higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
    and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

    i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
  • My Dear father,

    Your wrutung is so good and funny. Well sometime we fell happy to forget something that hurat ours heart. I just say congratulation for your happy feeling. May God bless you and always bcheerful in every condition.

    My best regard,


  • JS Thanks a lot for your kind attention and very comprehensive comments.  I am happy to have you as my commentator.

    Tawfeeq I also thank you for your poetic comment. 

  • What a poetic and literary way in exchanging camouflaged concealed messages

    I can feel his pain hidden behind his ego in using the lying sentence "I am happy she forgot me" though it's very obvious that he says it with damp eyes and writes it on walls with tears, and I can also feel her pain hidden behind her ego in using the third person's pronoun "her" instead of first person's pronoun "I", and some hurting action he did made her feeling he is not only forgetting her as he never ever loved her even expressed in her crying sentence "has he ever remembered me to now forget!".

    Both of them are in suffer.............

    But for me as a reader, I extremely enjoyed the pure nectar of such dampened love mixed with the butter of literature, both of them are really talented and talk in a very high intellectual sophistication. It reminds me the letters between two Arabic writers; May Ziade (Lebanese-Palestinian writer and poetess) and Abbas Mahmoud Al Akkad (very significant Egyptian writer).

    Really thanks for sharing such high and joyful elegant letters.

  • I guess he would answer your poem and say

    ” I want to forget you . You have changed a lot . I use to dive into the Romeo and Juliet’s world spontaneously as soon as I see you but now I try to forget you . When my ears come across your name I ll be deaf to don’t hear it . When I see you I ll close my eyes and avoid your road “

    Thank you Mishaikh for sharing us your nice poem .Really I like it .

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