Some days ago I heard something interesting. I skip place, person and topic, I just edited and added some my thoughts.

Generally idea is not mine, I only interpret in my way, hope it wont be considered as plagiarism. 

What is common between gravity and mercy?

First of all, what is gravity?

According to Oxford Dictionary, gravity is "The force that attracts a body towards the centre of the earth, or towards any other physical body having mass". 

In more easy way, attraction force between material objects in universe, from atoms to (what is biggest thing in the universe?) stars, galaxies, black holes, quasars and so on.

Gravity is force that holds "order in universe", without which universe could not and would not exist. One example: with no attraction force nothing would hold electrons on atom orbit, so without gravity universe would collapse in less than 1 second. (Everything would mix and merge into one chaotic substance). Simply is that without gravity there would be chaos in universe

It is mystic force which affects almost everything in universe, or present in other forces of universe (Important point).

And what is mercy?

According to Oxford Dictionary, mercy is "Compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm". But it is not exactly what I mean by saying "mercy", so let me add word merciful here: "treating people with kindness and forgiveness : not cruel or harsh : having or showing mercy". Even more, to understand it better here is one synonym:

Comparisionsympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. 

So, I can tell that Mercy is:

1. sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others;

2. treating people with kindness and forgiveness;

3. forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm.

Here we can say, mercy occurs between living things, such as humans and animals, insects, etc.

For example, we all know, mercy occurs right in time when others need mercy: being sick, disabled, unable to do something, being harmed, broken, during war, during any natural catastrophy, mercy of mothers to their kids, endless list actually. 

What is common between gravity and mercy?

But important point, what I heard, in that moment, when mercy occurs, our heart copies feeling\struggle\suffer\need\(add any feeling here). Example: You feel pain, when you see someone is in pain, or your heart aches when you see struggle of your family members, friends, any other people and animals. More mercy you have in your heart, more sympathy you feel.

And it pushes us to help, or to do anything to lower that eeling\struggle\suffer. In simple words "mercy attracts ones to anothers when they are in situation of necessity of mercy". 

Another important point, mercy can or mostly presents in other feelings:

- mother's mercy presents in her love to her kids, which keeps her awake during nights;

- soldier's mercy presents in his patriotism and self-sacrifise, which makes him to fight for his country to death;

- hen's mercy presents in her mother instinct, which makes her to attack any prey who tries to catch chicken;

- king's mercy presents in his generosity, which makes him to forgive captives, and so on.

Mercy is attraction force between living things. Such as gravity keeps order in material (physicual) culture, mercy keeps order in non-material (spiritual) culture. 

Same as without gravity there is chaos in material culture there is chaos in non-material culture without mercy: noone would have desire, patience, will to help, care, fight for others and so on, so that nature would be drowned in chaos!

As a conclusion:

Any person, family, society, village, town, city, country, nation who loses mercy, sooner or later will be drowned in social chaos.

It is not something supernatural, or exalted, it is problem of modern society, caused by lack of mercy. 

There is no name for "negative gravity", but those who lack mercy, will have their hearts filled with hatred, anger, envy, greed, miserliness and so on. We have a lot of people which 0 mercy, or even "negative mercy" who push away people from themselves. So, any society with 100 % amount of such people, will surely go down and die out in one generation. (What is exactly happening now with some people, some societes and some countries).

Thats why saving world is in our hands, and hearts:)

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  • Interesting thoughts.  I think showing mercy to all living things makes us better humans.

  • so, here we go, the Way to the Moon:

    first of all, I would say: Religion & Science, most of major mistake (at least I think so) of society is dividing science and religion, so each side (religion and science) went apart. Science went to false statements, religion went to radicalism and fanatism. But together, their synthesis, could make a better world, cuz "without religion science is lame, without science religion is blind".

    To make reply short, and why I note importance of supernaturalism if I can call it so, or non-materialistic culture, simply cuz of difference between Price and Value of things. It is easy to see, and most of people will choose Value, even if they are against or dont agree with what you wrote in your comment.

    So, both price and value can live together in harmony, balance between them will make it better place to live:)

  • Estanis, yes, I do agree with you, social chaos caused by some or set of reasons, I just pointed to one of most important ones (root). 

    the lack of mercy is caused by the modern society?? :) - probably because modern society focused more and more on materialistic things. As I heard somewhere, world will change to better when people will focus on value of things, not the price:)

    p.s. Darth Vader wasnt that bad, comparing to some of "dark lords" of modern world:)

    Welcome amigo!

    arif saeed, thank you sir, but if they dont reply, it doesnt mean you have to give up or stop. Just do what you think is right, dont let people without humanity and mercy be your teachers and examples:)

  • thank you Areality, it is reality we are facing nowadays...

    SNR, I was just insipired by it, as I said, idea is not my, I just wrote it:)

    Yasmin, thank you your diamont comment:)


    Mishaikh, sure it is, but not so much powerfull as mercy, but it is another story:)

    setareh, thank you, to make a difference is in our hands:)

    Eman, yes, it is all caused by lack or absence of mercy.

    Helen, thank you, probably not best comparision but hope it worked:D

    noa, it wasnt said for nothing that cats are smart, I am sure you could add something if you shake your head a little bit:))

  • Good idea, Strangy! Just like the planet cannot exist w.o gravity Humanity cannot exist w.o mercy! I like it!
  • Dear stranger, what a nice comparison! It's obvious that our world has lost its compassion and mercy, on the other hand still there are some mercy that the world has not completely fallen apart. Thanks for sharing this post.
  • I agree with Estanis that you always break our back, but this time you broke our legs and heads too :D I like the way you have defined the impact of kindness and forgiveness on human behavior. This is called in other words "humanity". Sometimes you might have experienced that how kindly you deal with your critics and opponents, but no effect on them. They probably lack humanity.

    Thank for the blog post. :)
  • I think 'love' is another elemental force acts in this perspective.  Isn't it?

    Nice to read blog. 

  • No comment :)

  • We can always rely on you to come up with thought provoking blogs, and this one is one of them. Congrats Stranger. 

    I only have enough to read and digest your blog, but I don't think I have such knowledge and time to eloquently put my thought into a meaningful comment at the moment. But I like your last sentence "That's why saving world is on our hands, and hearts"

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