Good beginning

I'm coming ^_^!

My job is a foreign trade personnel, but my English is very terrible. I hope I can improve my English little by little. Meanwhile, I want to make a lot of friends.

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  • Most welcome to MyEC, Lily!

    You're at the right place to learn English. I hope you'd enjoy your stay here.


    Good luck and happy learning!

  • Lily, you are welcome!!!! You are in the right place!
  • Nice picture by the way.

    Yes, Lily, you can improve your English, it might take time but if you give it hard work then this time will be very short.

    Here people are friendly, even the staff, they give us more than we can imagine, knowlege from them are worth gold, even more.. measure it as you like, after all your a trade personnel.


    Welcome in MyEC, make it your online home, suit your self. And if you look up there, you will see the tool menu bar, ( MyEC, My page, Blogs, Photos, Vid, Forum, Mem, Groups,, ,)

    these are the tools that help so much, make use of them, this is my advice.


    Have good MyEC moments!


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