There was once a king and a servant. No matter what happened in life, whether it be good or bad, the servant would say, “God is good and almighty".

One day the king and his servant went hunting. The servant was in charge of loading the guns the king would use. Something went wrong, one of the guns misfired and the king lost his thumb.

Examining the situation, the servant remarked as usual, “God is good and almighty!"  The king became angry, and immediately sent the servant to prison.

A year later, the king went hunting in a forbidden area. Cannibals captured him and took him to their village for eating. As the cannibals tied his hands, they noticed his thumb missing. Because it was forbidden, and considered cause for a curse, to eat something that wasn't whole, they immediately released the king, and sent him on his way.

On his way home, he remembered the incident that took his thumb, and became remorseful for his anger toward his servant. He went to the prison to see the servant, and to have him released immediately.

The king said to the servant, now his friend, "You were right. It was good that I lost my thumb." He then told his friend of his ordeal. The king then apologized to his friend about the harshness his anger had caused the man. The king said to his friend as they walked away from the jail together "It was bad of me to become so angry at you and to put you in prison"
"No," his friend replied,” God is good and almighty!"

"What do you mean, ' God is good and almighty '? The surprised king replied. Thinking he was misunderstood the king said "Just how is it good for you to be in prison for a year, away from your home and family?"

The friend replied with a big smile on his face "If I hadn't been in jail, I would have been hunting with you today and the cannibals had eaten me.


The teaching of this story that if your life is in God s hands all it happen  to you will be for your good. Because In Romans 8:28 God says:

28 And we know that for those who love God all things that they go through will be for their good.

When one door is closed to you, God opens several. When something or someone gets away from you, God will bring something or someone better

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  • God is really good . Thanks God for his love for us . Nice story. Thanks Joseph. God bless you. 

  • Glory to God! Thanks for sharing Batuhan. 

  • Nice story !

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