Gene—“A sealed book of life”

Gene—“A sealed book of life”
August 15, 2002


Gene is a structure and mansion of life. It is the general term for the special nucleotide sequences with genetic effect in DNA molecules. The resemblance of children to their parents is caused by the reproductive function of genes, which pass on the genetic information to the next generation. The different gene structures account for why the white race is white race, black race is black race, yellow race is yellow race, dog is dog, and rose is rose.

Gene constitutes part of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and accounts for only 2%--4% of total mass of DNA. A molecular chain composed of phosphate and sugar, DNA is double helix in structure, namely two mutually stranded helixes of molecules, connected in the middle by the cross band called basic group.

Scientific study showed there are about 30,000 human genes, each gene possessing 14 different versions on average. Human genome contains about 42,000 gene versions.

The birth, growth, decline, and death of life is regulated by genes. Over 8000 known human diseases are related to genes. The natural healing of the wounds in animals and plants is the result of genes’ endeavor to retain their own perfect structures.

Scientific exploration and research showed that there are one trillion cells in human body and that in each cell there are 23 pairs of chromosomes and in each chromosome there are 30 billion base pairs. If all the chromosomes in the human body are linked head to tail, the total length will be more than 600 times the distance between the earth and the sun. If all the information of a chromosome is written down, it will fill up a 200,000-page phone book. The difference of chromosomes between individuals is only 0.1%. The comparison of the gene sequences of any two individuals reveals that 99.9% of the gene sequences are the same. The differences between the billions of people on earth today are attributed to the 0.1% gene difference. What functions do the majority (97%) of chromosomes within the human genomes have remains a mystery.

Gene is a sealed book of life. Human Genome Project has involved the top science and technology talents and most advanced technological equipment of America, England, Japan, Germany, France, and China. After more than a decade’s hard work do we finally see the basic framework of the mansion of life—gene. However, it seems to me that we have only understood 0.1% of 0.1% of the functions and secrets of other structures in this basic framework.
Shouldn’t we think that gene is the fruit of the wisdom of the Greatest Creator? Can such an intricate structure come into being without the Greatest Creator? Some people would stick to their theory of natural happening. Then please tell me what happening naturally means.
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  • Oi there,

       Gene is a book...hmmm...rather not, gene is a code in the matrix forming our individual DNA... and that's more, the gene codes are embeded in the matrix library, meaning this library has an unlimited set of gene arragements, no need for supernatural efforts of any creator.

      As to what is "natural consequence"...let's imagine somebody who eats a dish containing elements, which in their nature, will cause diarrhea...and as a consequence, the person will have watery or loose bowels...there is no supernatural force causing this cubersome condition...

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