Game #9: Tongue Twisters from A-Z


Tongue twisters are sentences that use many words with the same sound. A common tongue twister is "She sells seashells by the seashore." Say it quickly a few times in a row. The "s" sound is difficult for some learners.

Tongue twisters are useful for English learners for two reasons:1. You can learn new words.2. You can practise your pronunciation.Let's play a tongue twister game together. We will try to get through the whole alphabet, from A-Z! When we are done I will post all of the tongue twisters for MyEC members to try. (We may have to work together to make them grammatically correct. They don't necessarily have to make sense, though.)How to Play:1) I will write 5 words starting with the letter "A".2) The first player to arrive will write a tongue twister using those five words.3) After writing the tongue twister the first player will write five "B" words for the second player. The second player will write the B tongue twister AND leave 5 "C" words for the third player...4) Try all of the tongue twisters that came before yours. Read them out loud quickly!Note for advanced learners: When writing the letter list try to use words other learners may not know. Use at least one noun, one verb, and one adjective.------------------------------------------------ExampleGamer:A: awesome, advantage, accused, alert, aardvarkPlayer 2:"The awesome aardvark tried to stay alert after he was accused of taking advantage of innocent animals.B: bask, basket, beast, brave, blaze------------------------------------------------Let's begin! Here are the words for A: acorn, affectionate, anteater, acidic, activateWho will be the first player?
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  • The game is over, yes! But the fun has just begun. I'm going to collect these and post them together so that members can actually try them. I may challenge a few players to help me make some of them more grammatically correct! Thanks to all participants. This was a lot of fun. I'll post a new game soon. Anyone have a microphone? It would be fun to record these and upload them to our audio players.
  • Why couldn't we just use Zahra? :)
  • and the other is here :

    zaf·fer also zaf·fre (zfr)
    An impure oxide of cobalt, used to produce a blue color in enamel and in the making of smalt.
  • I found one :

    zetetic [zəˈtɛtɪk]
    proceeding by inquiry; investigating
    [from New Latin, from Greek zētētikos, from zēteō to seek]
  • My own chosen word ...I have forgotten its meaning :

    vault noun (ARCH)
    /vɒlt//vɑːlt/ [C]
    a type of arch which supports a roof or ceiling, especially in a church or public building, or a ceiling or roof supported by several of these arches

    zilch noun
    /zɪltʃ/ [U] informal
    nothing; none; no

    I couldn't find zetetic and zaffar ...Oops !!!
  • I have to look up so many new words here ....let me see ...
  • Salim, I'd have to look up two words to finish this! Anyone?
  • Let's make a sentence using this group of words >>>>volcano ,vast,vanish,vault ,vampire

    Then we move back to Gamer's group of words with "x"....
  • Oops of my friends the other night informed me about my mistake here....
    He told me that after the letter "u" ,"v" comes not "w"....
    So anyone wants to give a hand and write a tongue twister using the words beginning with the letter "v"????
  • As I wander about the pages of MyEC, I can't help wonder when this game will wrap up or wind down so that we can get wounded in a new wonderful word game.

    xylophone, x-raying, xanthan gum, Xavier, x-axis
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