Game 1: Have you Ever?

This is a fun game people often play at parties. You can use it to practise the past participle.I'll start by asking a question starting with "Have you ever...?". The first person to comment will answer "yes" or "no" and then ask another "Have you ever" question. The next person will answer that question and write another question.The game can go on and on for days, months, or years...Remember to answer the question from the last comment. Let's avoid taboo subjects and foul language. (I'll delete any comments that I don't approve.)Let's begin!"Have you ever been to Canada?"(The game is well under way. Don't answer this question about Canada. Answer the question from the last person who left a comment. Make sure to look at the last comment, not the first.)---------------------------------Grammar tip: To write a proper "have you ever" sentence you will need to know the past participle (not simple past) of the verb you use. Look it up in a search if you aren't sure ("past participle swim"). Even native speakers use the wrong ones sometimes!Example: go=been; write=written; swim=swumHave you ever been to Mexico?Have you ever written a love story?Have you ever swum in the ocean?
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  • yes, have you ever kissed someone you did not like?
  • Well, yes, I have. I remember when we had snow about 2 metres high.
    Have you ever tried to make someone laugh?
  • Yes:-). Have you ever eaten apricot?
  • Gamer, I have saved my niece's life.

    Have you ever made someone cry?
  • To answer Lynne's question, yes that's the correct response ("Not that I know of." It means she doesn't think she has broken a limb but she may have unknowingly.).

    To answer aiesle, yes I've made mistakes and discovered the consequences. I think I do this every day. Have you ever saved a friend's life?
  • No, I have never, but I've been to a very interesting place with lots of mini-falls and trees...Have you ever committed a mistake without thinking of its consequence?
  • No, not yet :-) Have you ever climbed a mountain?
  • Yes, I want this game to continue (even though it's not really interesting).

    Have you ever ridden an elephant?
  • have hou ever want to contineu this of luck 4 your all doings.t.c by
  • Not that I know of. :-) Is this answer correct Gamer?
    Have you ever thought of playing this game in chat? :-)

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