
My great grandma told folk stories, she was very good at that. Most of the stories related to nature like, mountains, trees, rivers, flowers, paddy field, farm, birds, animals and so on. The underlining principles of the stories would be love, truth, honest, mutual respect, kind, righteousness, unity and sharing. She was always used proverbs to explain things and she sang lovely folk songs which we never heard any where. It's only stayed in our community. One of the folklorist from our nearby University came and he managed to collect lots of folklore from her.


Folk is a word mainly used to mention about a particular group of people in the society or in a region considered as the representatives of a traditional way of life and especially originators or carriers of the customs, beliefs, arts and culture. Mostly identified with peasant or rural groups.


A body of traditions and knowledge on a subject held by a particular group, which was passed from person to person by word of mouth


According to American Folklore, the term folklore is generally used to refer to the traditional beliefs, myths, tales and practices of a people who widely spread by word of mouth within the society. The term folklore is also used to define the comparative study of folk knowledge and culture.


A person who studies or collect folklore is folklorists, include students, teachers, scholars, consultants, community organizers, educators also public agency professionals. They collects and write about family traditions, customs, beliefs, myths, tales, proverbs, legends, riddles, medicines, art and craft, games, and practice of people transmitted orally.

Dear friends, Thank you so much for taking your time reading. I appreciate it. If you got any folklore please share with us.

Thank you!

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  • Dear Usra & Hayeh, Thank you for reading and liking. I appreciate it

  • Vanakkam Adaline Bala. You are welcome Ada.

  • Dear Dara, Thank you so much for taking your time reading and comment, I appreciate it. That's a lovely tradition of your wedding dance. In my culture too people got marry in front of fire. It called 'homam'. Thank you.

  • Dear Mishaikh, Thank you so much for taking your time reading and comment, I appreciate it. Because the stories were in my language I have to translate to English. I will post one later, ok. Thank you.

  • Dear Evangelina, Thank you for taking your time reading and comment, I appreciate it. Yes, you are right ,folklore passing it from generation to generation orally, Because of the invention of these printing and recording technologies, now people managed to store all those folklore. The folklorist who came to observe grandma got a lovely recording device, that's why he managed to get lots of information from her with her own voice. He used all those information for his Phd research.

  • Dear Mary, Thank you for taking your time reading and comment. I appreciate it. I like Russian folk tales too. 'little snow girl' is one of my favorite. We got some lovely African folk tales collection in our Schools to promote multiculturalism. Children love 'Handa's Surprise' story, and we act it out in our class with African costumes. My great grandma told us stories every day before bed. I can tell you , that moral stories helped me lead my life in a good way and lead to success. All of them in my language but I am translating one for you Mary. I will post it later ok. Thank you.

  • Neer nalavar Adaline Bala. We dance in front of a big fire before giving the bride to her groom. it's a kind of folklore here in our country. 

  • Very nice writing.  It would be even more interesting if you tell us any one of your grandmas folk tales.

  • Oh Adaline ! I love folk tales!

    I've a couple of books about old russian folk tales (I especially like russian folk tales) and the first book I illustrated (I'm illustrator) was an african folk tale. I've very good memories of that, it was a beautiful project :)

    Anyway, I'm 'sad' because reading your first lines, I thought you'd tell us one of your grandma's folk tales :(

    I'd have loved to hear all your grandma's stories... and probably to illustrate some of them! :)   It's very good that someone wrote down these stories, so they can be published... otherwise, they could be lost forever, and it would be a very big loss...

    Thanks for sharing Adaline, and plz... think about sharing with us any of these folk stories of your grandma one of these days :)

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