I was browsing a great post called Top 100 Tools of 2011 and I came across a tool that I thought would be very useful for us on MyEC. It's called Embed Plus. This site allows you to make a few changes to online videos before you upload them to MyEC. You can upload edited videos directly to the Video Gallery or embed them in a blog post or comment. It only takes a few moments to make the videos more user friendly for English learners via EmbedPlus. Here are 7 Things you can do with this tool:

1. Cut a long video into a short clip.

2. Annotate a video. (Choose the time and add a short note.)

3. Allow viewers to watch in slow motion. (Very useful for language learners!)

4. Change the size of the video player that you are embedding. 

5. Highlight the sweet spot of your video. (indicate the scene your viewers should pay close attention to by choosing the time) Your viewers can also zoom in on a section.

6. Show where people are talking about your video (Reactions on Twitter, YouTube). 

7. Allow viewers to watch an instant replay. 

Here is an example of how a long video can be clipped into a short video in order to make a point. Can you guess why I chose Step #9? Watch the full How to Learn English video here

NOTE:  Ironically, this tool is no longer embeddable on MyEC. :( Watch the Embed Plus version here.

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  • Thank you Sono, Mukesh, and Zulkifi. I'm glad you enjoyed this post. I really hope we can improve MyEC's video gallery in 2012.

  • Hi Tara, thanks for sharing it with us, it will be very useful indeed!

    I guess you chose Step #9 because beside illustrating what you have mentioned in your blog above you also wanted to show us that by practicing to be a teacher a learner could improve his/her language skill significantly.

    You have always given us something new.

    God Bless You!


  • Very nice blog..full of fun and new to me all information...Thanks Tara again awesome works, you have done to us!

  • @Jinhan Can you normally see YouTube videos? In some countries YouTube is blocked. If you can normally see YouTube videos, try refreshing the page. Thanks!

  • Sounds like a fun tool! I can't see this video, so I can't guess why you chose Step #9.

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