Marriage is institute, it is institute of love, institute of faith, institute to respect, institute of sharing memories and experience, I heard this line many a time, and as I am in late 20’s, I can feel it, it is a commitment of two people to live in together, to share their life, their joy, their happiness, it is like sharing with other what you have experience till now.

You know people get evolve by time, by the time you reach youth you are to conscious about yourself, you see yourself in mirror and probably admire your beauty and youth, we all do, it is natural, what evolve is when you are in a relation and you believe in that relation, what you see next time in mirror is not your only youth and beauty, but the person admiration that he or she given you anyway, you try to see through her or his eyes, you know how other person like or dislike more then you know yourself, that make us really especial toward each other,

I am not going to talk about love marriage or arrange, but about how two people come together to decide to live with each other for the rest of their lives, some may think before other may not, but all they expect to have faith in them, so that they can start to understand each other, it is journey that both person has to take, some might find it difficult, while some easy, but each road has its share of love, happiness, laugh, wet eyes, emotion, bitterness, fight.

It’s a connection of heart that both people feel toward each other, some may find early, some takes time to feel the soul of other person, but as they do they know that this is what they were looking for so long and finally they appreciate the relation of marriage, marriage is a form of social integration,

While in bachelor you like to do things with your style. But as you enter in relation or marriage you tend to find way to do stuff with her or his style, some time with your wish sometime not, but you try to make thing happen as this may please other to appreciate the relation more that your personal comfort. To the extent that spouses have different skills, preferences, or abilities, marriage allows each to concentrate on those in which he or she has a relative advantage

In marriage you find love that most people aspire, they like to love and be loved this makes them feel good about himself or herself which trigger their belief system make them aware about environment and ready to face the challenge life give it to them,

Sometime marriage need some level of sacrifices that we need to do, like our priority, our like dislike, our space, our time, this small adjustment make married people tolerable to the situation, they feel uncomfortable if they were unmarried, they give them some way to move ahead in life, to do something meaning full in life with our soul mate, with someone we can share our joy, our passion, our tear, our laugh.

Marriage is all about sharing and caring, if you dare to share and if you like to care, marriage is for you, this is institute which taught you many thing, so try to be a good student, and learn the lesson life teaches you, good or bad, it doesn’t matter, what matter is your faith and your believe in your spouse.

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  • this is wholesome of experience and so...

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