I am a native speaker of English so this was news to me. Today I have found that many languages do not have different words for the colors blue and green. I thought this might be interesting for people whose culture doesn't differentiate and might help them understand this better.The webpage I found this information at is here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue-green_across_culturesHere is the first paragraph of the page so you can see if this is of any interest to you:The English language makes a distinction between blue and green but some languages do not. Of these, quite a number, mostly in Africa, do not distinguish blue from black either, whilst there are a handful of languages that do not distinguish blue from black but have a separate term for green. Also, some languages treat light (often greenish) blue and dark blue as separate colors, rather than different variations of blue, while English does not.Does anyone want to discuss this or tell us how things are in your country? I find it fascinating.Peace,Boris
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  • Hi BK,

    I`m from Brazil and here in my country blue and green are totally different. As a matter of fact, we have a lot of names for colors. Sometimes I get surprised due to so many names for them. I know the most simple ones.
    Nice blog of yours.
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