,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Used to do and Be used to doing ....................................A: USED TO DO:Used + to- infinitive means that somethings happened regularly or went on for a time in the past. i used to travel means that in the past i regularly traveled, but i no longer do so.Here are some examples:1. We used to play that game when we were younger.2. Nick used to smoke, but he gave it up.3. I used to like fish, but i never eat it now,4. There used to be a dancehall here, but they knocked it down.note: we can not use this structure in the present tense.example:Claire travels a lot. not claire used to travel a lot,B: BE USED TO DOING:Be used to + ing form means that something is familiar and is no longer strange, I'm used to travelling means that travelling is no longer strange or difficult because I have done it for so long.Here are some examples:1. We're used to getting up early, We do it every day, not we're used to get up early,,,,,2. Sarah is used to working late at the office. most visitors to Britians aren't used to driving on the left.3. I wasn't used to wearing glasses. it seemed very strange at first.we can also say GET USED TO to talk about things becoming more familiar.example"1. It was difficult at first, but Mike soon GOT USED TO WORKING at night.................................................... end ..........................................hope u like it. have a nice day and"' HAPPY STUDIES "
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  • Hello ayaan,

    I really do appreciate your sharing. Thank you very much.

    Sweet dream
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