Haha ... sorry guys. You have to bare with me on this series. I really like to bombard all of you with little known facts and maybe sometimes totally outrageous facts. I would like to apologise well in advance if some of you may find some word(s) in here is(are) a bit crude. I don't mean to be impolite.

Did You Know Series :-

1. Did You Know?

2. Did You Know? - Continuation.

3. Did You Know? - Another Continuation

4. Did You Know? - Not Another Continuation!

5. Did You Know? - Gosh! Will it never ends?

Did You Know?

1. The Stress Call S.O.S.

Did you know that the Morse code distress call S.O.S. does not stand for "Save our Ship"? S.O.S. was chosen to replace the original distress call of "C.Q.D" in 1910. The pattern of Morse code of three short, three long, three short letters was thought more easily distinguishable against background noise. CQ originated from the French word "secu" or "securite" followed by D which meant distress.

2. There is a real place name Fucking

I don't mean to be rude or anything, but there is a place named Fucking. Fucking is a village in Austria's Tarsdorf municipality. The village is 33 kilometres from North Salzburg. According to some sources, it was founded in 1070. Though the town has had its name since 1070, it was not until WWII when the British and American soldiers arrived to the area that it began to receive its "notoriety". Tourists like to take pictures by signage of the town's name, and sometimes some tourists vandalised the the signage or even took the signage, which made the locals getting pretty sick about it. There's a rumour that the locals voted to change the name of the town to Fugging, but apparently there's already a town nearby named Fugging. 

3. Origin of Golf

Contrary to popular believe, golf does not come from the acronym of Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden. LOL. Though there are many version of the origin of golf, but modern game of golf is attributed to Scotland. The word golf itself is thought derived from various words such as gowf, goff, goif and gauff. The first documented mention of the word "golf" is in Edinburgh in 1457, when King James II banned "ye golf", in attempt to encourage archery practice. "Gowf" had been banned in several occasion and even an Act of Parliament was passed to prevent it from being played on Sunday in order to preserve the game of archery. However, golf gained popularity and evolved there on until what it became now the modern golf. It was believed that St. Andrews of Scotland was the birth place of modern golf.

Okay, that's all for the moment. I hope you had a belly of laugh with this blog.

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  • 6-Did You Know? - Oh No! Not Another One! ... 567 views 

  • OH NO! Only 54 comments? Where are the rest?  :-P

  • 6-Did You Know? - Oh No! Not Another One! ... 562 views ... 10 likes ...  54 Comments

  • Uh uh NariPo

    You're making my blog full of your Bieber's photos.


  • shaving my head?? u mean untill my brain comes out?? :'(

    lol.. he doesnt want her hair's shaved


  • LOL... thank God I can't see the first photo, but I'm guessing, it's either Bieber or Swift. Hahahha

    You know that Bieberfever can only be cured by shaving your head?


  • bieber-fever-justin-bieber-31108896-1800-1200.jpg

    Hey you know... there's a fever which can some people fall in love...

    do u know that...??

    It's CALLED


  • Hmmm WMW .. how do I know that you're a dimension counter? Because you blabbered, dear, :-P O_o

  • Dear WMW .. you're the picture of Babbling Honest Abe :-P  O_o. Please tell me, dear, how many dimensions are there? @_@

  • Yeee Ha .. I hope you were not sipping a hot tea or drinking something when you're reading just now. I don't want to be responsible for any damage to your lung if you're spurting just now. LOL. You know what? I like the way you came up with describing that special" name. I think it's perfect.

    Thank you for reading it, dear :-)

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